LOG 7: The Mission

A few minutes after locking myself inside my room, almost fell asleep because of waiting and because of how tired I was from a while ago, Madam Boss finally decided to call me once in for all.

I booted up my holographic camera and listened to what she had to say.

"Luna, are you ready for your first task?"

"Indeed I am!"

"Were you able to explore around town?"

"A little bit. I also saw some cops. What's up with those anyway? They were looking for members of Team Rocket."

"I do not have a clue," said Madam Boss.

"Alright, alright, never mind. Let's see what I have to do."

"Right. After checking the old documents of my son, it appears that the first place he was aiming for was an abandoned light house just somewhere in the West from Wagner City. I later confirmed this Domino and Virgo."

"Ooh, Virgo's helping out."

"She did. She and her Pokemon Munna were able to help track the location of this laboratory. I was right to destine you in that city after all. From Wagner, you will travel to the west of the archipelago. From there, you will head North and and the tip, you'll find the light house."

I jotted it down on my pad. "Got it. So, what else for me to do?"

"Once you reach the abandoned light house, climb to the top. It will be tricky since it's abandoned."

"I've been to many abandoned places before," I smiled. "No need to worry!"

"Not that. The place was er... a housing experiment, which means it was technically a laboratory too."

"So, why was it abandoned?"

"One of the researchers made a mistake, ended up with a gas filter of Arcticinum blowing up."

"Holy... What's Arcticinum anyway?"

"If you touch it, you'll end up freezing. Sadly, this chemical does not dry up, so you'll have to watch out for puddles. In the years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union teamed up with the Ark Federation, which was the head of the Arcticinum project. They planned to use it against American spies and was later cancelled after the incident. It was the early steps of human carbonation. "

"So... I'll be seeing corpses?"

"Frozen bodies. But do not underestimate them. They can still be alive."

"A... Alive?"

"Technically, they're just frozen so when they melt..."

"They can melt?"

Madam Boss sighed. "Listen first and stop interrupting!"

"Okay, okay." I reclined back on my chair.

"The Arcticinum injected on test subjects, easily noticeable because they're on test tubes, can be melted if you let themselves out of the tubes. At all cost, do not randomly press any button or do anything idiotic in that. We might end up with another... I mean, a frozen colonel."

I stood. "No... No... I heard that loud and clear. There was some Team Rocket colonel before me!"

"She messed up, and I don't expect you to mess up. The instructions are simple, and somehow, she got herself into 'conditions'." she started adding emphasis. "So, do not touch anything you don't know!"

I gulped. "No, I won't. I won't screw it like what she did."

"Now, phase two after getting on top of the tower is to claim this." A fragment of the Reveal Glass floated on my screen.

"That's the fragment?"


"I... I... I understood."

"Last but not least. You can't send out your Salamence. It's week against ice types. Considering there is Arcticinum, she'll freeze. No Flying, no ground and grass too."

"I got it."

"Are you ready, Luna?"

"Yes, Madam Boss!"

"Then good luck!"