LOG 9: A Duel

I explained everything to this Valery about Team Rocket and their current status. Every single detail just so she could catch up to the current occasions. I may have bragged a thing or two about me and Zekrom, though that's nothing special yet since I've barely used it anyway.

There were instances when she was confused and that I had to explain more than ten minutes. Meanwhile, she traded with me information about these officers and said they work in the Looker Bureau, a wider police agency branch of the Pokemon International Police that was established in the Kalos Region. These police officers are said to be greater than elite officials and trained at the behest of Detective Looker's colleagues.

These "authorities" were responsible for keeping the fragments safe against people like us. But, we're persistent and stubborn to the law anyway.

We finally reached the top an hour later after taking simultaneous steps towards the whatever floor we're in, as I've lost count. Inside was a plain black room. We had to use our flashlights again to check out for mud puddles and surprising Snorunts. However, upon searching, there wasn't really anything except for a single small vault that required a pass code to unlock it.

"Scizor, come out!"

It was my first time to take a gander at one of Valery's Pokemon. Scizor's bullet punch automatically wreaked havoc and sliced the vault in half. The first shard of the reveal glass was finally there. It was shaped like a thunderbolt. That being said, it was quite clear to us that the piece belonged in the center as a thunderbolt shaped figure doesn't have any curves on them.

"You have a Scizor?" I said in shock, and maybe a tinsy bit of envy.

"Yup! It was a Scyther when I got it in the Johto Bug Catching Contest."

"So, you've been to Johto after all?"

"Of course I have!"

"About Kanto?"

"Er... What's Kanto?"

"Never mind. Just go get the piece."

She placed it on a small black sack and kept it inside a transparent orb shaped like a Pokeball.

"Hey, I know those!"


"Yeah, we used to use them three years back."

She slouched. "I'm that old?"

"We use black ones now. They're stronger than the transparent versions."

"Stronger? At least strong is something." Valery shrugged.

She placed it back in her pocket pouch.

"All good to go," she said and took out the map of the archipelago.

"If I'm not mistaken, Rotom Phones were invented when you already worked with Team Rocket right?"

"Yeah, yeah, but I prefer these maps. They look stunning, and I was self-thought to read these, so it's a waste of skills. Plus, my Rotom Phone's back in my apartment." She suddenly shivered. "Yikes, I wonder how high my fee had increased?"

The doors that were shut and confined us inside were whacked down by a Pokemon move.

"Surrender that to us right now!"

"Who are they?"

"Some fellow people I met aboard S.S. Stravinsky."

It was Mr. Arthur and her secretary Claudia again. They were in their more determined and fighting hat. Like last time, both of them used the same Pokemon, Quilladin and Vivallon.

"Are you working along with Team Rocket?"

"We are Team Rocket!" Valery uttered. "Prepare for tro--"

"That motto's dead. Just, it makes everyone in the organization cringe nowadays." I whispered briefly.

"Even that too? Wow, I've missed a lot. But hey? Wanna get it from us? You gotta win! Except that... I forgot how to fight."

"You what?"

"Nah, just kidding, Scizor, time to stretch! Use Double Hit!"

Quilladin spun rapidly and tried to evade the move but Scizor was downright fast to give it an opportunity.

He blew twice. One at whom he was targeting for and Vivillon who came in front to receive the second.

"Not bad," I complimented and sent out Absol.

"Quiladin! Pin Missile!"

Absol dodged all projectiles while coming closer to Quiladin.

"Dark Pulse!"

The foe hit its back on the wall.

"Vivillon, Psybeam!"

"Quick Attack!"

Absol went zigzag while running. This way, the straight beam would have difficulties aiming at her and her speed.

Vivillon had the same fate as Quilladin.

"Hand it over before I call the cops!" Mr. Arthur demanded.

"Are you their head or something?" I asked.

He chuckled in a low mischievous way, holding his cane tighter. "I can assure you, young woman, I'm not a leader of any organization at all! Quilladin, Wood Hammer!"

She flicked her eye upward the moment the foe's arm was inches away from her head. She immediately swiveled and bit the leg, spinning it for a few turns and catapulting it towards Vivillon who was still at the wall. It caused a great quake until one beaker atop a table fell and cracked, spilling the Arcticinum. The newly formed puddle was like a line separating us between them and our foes.

With the momentary dispersal of dust and the aristocrat and her secretary coughing, Valery's Scizor blew a punch on the wall. It was our escape route out with Gardevoir gently descending all of us down to the ground safely. She then levitated herself and followed next.

"He's an old man," I laughed. "He'll take hours before going back down to get us!"

Valery stood frozen. She gave me a blank gaze and slowly stepped forth.

"Are you alright?"

Centimeters away from my foot, she dashed and clung unto my leg. She said the following words extremely fast that it took me a long time to comprehend. "Teach me how to battle like you! With all the cool twirls and stuff and your Pokemon improvising without you commanding it!"

"Woah, er..."

"Yeah, go ahead. They're probably gonna survive."

Absol nodded. With persistent Shadow Pulse and Gardevoir using Moon Blast, they made the light house collapse."

"You killed an old man and his daughter?"

"First, that's his secretary. Second, he lived his life, he knew Team Rocket's powerful but still persisted to attack us. Not our fault that he went in our way."

"You don't show any mercy?"

"Sometimes, depending on the situation."

She clung tighter. "Teach me how."

"B... But, you're a fine battler. You and Scizor are strong."

"But not as strong as you with all those reflexes. When did you get good?"

"I... I..." I sweated. "To be honest, I was bad at fighting before. When I turned twenty, I guess my brain woke up?"

"And here I am... Older than you, yet still weaker."

"I feel the same for prodigies ye know?"

"Will you accept me to be your apprentice, Colonel Luna?"

"Woah, no, don't call me colonel nor master, just Luna. I'll teach you, I guess, on my behalf. Fair warning though, I don't now how to teach."

"Thanks! Thanks!"

The sirens of cop cars seeped into our ears.

"We better get going quick!" Valery uttered.