LOG 11: Ludwig Town

Once double checking my room was complete, we went straight of to Ludwig Town that was just at the east of Little Bell Forest. We ought to go there because of the apparatuses and equipment left by my new accomplice, Valery.

It took us less than twenty four hours from the forest to reach the town. It wasn't even sunset yet when we arrived at another checkpoint. I had to lend my jacket to Valery so she could conceal her rocket uniform and my Pokemon belt to hide the R logo in her pocket.

"These police are everywhere," I said to Valery upon yet another success through conversing with them.

"Some of Team Rocket didn't end up failing like me. They were considered dead, or at least thought they were when agents didn't respond back to headquarters or give daily reports about the mission thus being abandoned. I don't know where they ended up but for sure, they're dwelling in this archipelago somewhere."

The colors of Ludwig town reminded me of children's toys. Every red was the exact same one, a brilliant cherry scarlet. Every blue was a bright royal hue, neither dark or light. There were no trees, perhaps the foliage would not cooperate to be the same shade on every leaf. The street-lamps were the same canary yellow as the rain-slickers and the taxis. There was no pink, no grey, no orange or violet; but it was more than that. Nothing was sun-bleached, nothing scratched or chipped. The street was free of litter, the walls were unvandalized perfection.

We stopped by at the Pallet Hotel for my accomplice to claim her things and pay her due fees. The town here is better than Wagner City. Although it may be small in comparison, the buildings, places where guests could stay, restaurants, landmarks, and market squares were all picturesque and soothing to the eye. Beyond the town is another forest, Haydn Forest. However, unlike Little Bell which in a map looks like a ravine, Haydn is notorious for its obscurity where there were even reports of travelers who were unable to return.

Valery allowed me to enter her room. It was neat, organized, just like me. Nonetheless, I couldn't blame her for the dust and faded dirt. Surprisingly, none of the staff had even bothered to enter her room or noticed she was missing for the past years.

"How long were you on duty?" I asked while roaming her room.

"When you were in Johto? The fifth month was when things went berserk."

"Fifth month? And you haven't claimed a single piece yet?"

"Tsk... Tsk..." She shook her head sideways and opened one of the drawers. "I have two of the shards here." Valery said as like the piece we acquired in Little Bell, it was kept in transparent orbs.

"I'm the only agent with leading progress, and if my calculations are correct, you'll never beat me." Her smile had a smug.

"Of course. You got three points, I got one, but let's not make this a competition."

"Right, right."

"And you were in a lone mission? Or were you sent in with a group?"

"Just me, a lieutenant colonel."

"You're one rank below me but you want me to teach you how to battle? You wouldn't be a lieutenant colonel if you weren't great, right?"

"I know, but I want to be better! Stronger!"

"Like a trainer?"

"Of course. That's what I wanted to be in the first place."

She suddenly snapped her fingers and rushed to her bedroom. I followed her where I would see her hugging some sort of wiggly case.

"I thought I lost you!" she said softly.

"What's that?"

"My violin."


She opened the case and showed the instrument to this. She also played it by gliding her bow and glossing her fingers over the board.

"So that's what it is. I've been hearing those string instruments since last time. On the radio or tele. You play the violin?"

"Play? I'm fond of it! About you?"

"Nah, I'm not into music. Maybe arts? But with all these missions, my interest seems to be fading away."

"Same! When I wasn't here, still working for Giovanni, I had more than six a day! I'd end up going home around two or three in the morning. Hey, at least some of those missions were great! Like the time I went to the Kalos region."

'You've been there already?"

"Yup! Not to brag, but I got myself a mega stone!"

"A mega stone? Nice. So you could mega evolve already?"

"Yes! And I get excited whenever I do!"

An attendant came over the room and reported to Valery the price she had to pay.

"sixty five thousand pokedollars?"

The attendant shrugged. "Who left the AC on?"

She immediately dashed to the living space.

"You left your AC?"

She perspired heavily despite the air and coolness coming from the air-conditioner. "Hey! I was expecting to return back then. I guess I became too optimistic."

I sighed. "Fine, I'll pay."

"R-r-really? That much amount?"


Her eyes glimmered as she moved her face closer towards me. "You never told me you were rich!"

"Well er... I save money from my salary."

"Woah. You must have a high one."

"I-I-I guess you could say that."

"You must be a pet!"

"A pet?"

"You know? Like a teacher's pet! Anyway, thanks a lot! I swear I'll do anything to return the favor."

"No, not at all."

I inserted my credit card into the whatchamacallit and handed over 8% of my entire savings. I also had to pay for tomorrow since I planned to sleep with her until Madam Boss calls us for our next destination. Ludwig Town is better than Wagner City. I like their facilities here as they even have a large lounge.