LOG 16: Amadeus Town

We arrived at the bustling streets of Amadeus Town. It was bustling with people and Pokemon, that is all how I could describe it and is pretty much similar to Ludwig Town. My accomplice wondered around and I had to make sure she wouldn't get lost or letting my sight get away from her one bit.

She was so interested with watching these street performers of what they call Flash Mobs where an orchestral or philharmonic group come out from different directions and play pieces together while there was also these violinists like her who entertained masses through the gliding of strings. They threw coins at the little box and the amount doesn't really matter. Valery, being fond of music, had to wander like a child.

"I bet I should do that too! We could get funds for the mission."

"Are you sure this thing will work?"

"Yes! All you got to do is to play notes, and wish that your intonation is correct and that you don't miss or make a mistake while reading the notes on a music book or sheet, but in my case, I memorized a few from my favorite composers."

"So, I'll watch then."

"Right! We'll be rich in no time, and I can make up for your generous assistance back in Ludwig Town."

"Woah, wait. You don't need to pay me. It's fine."

"Still," she took out her violin from the case and placed a box on the floor. "The money will be of use. At least we don't have to deduct charges from our salary or yours."

"What are you planning to play?"

"I don't know yet. Most, of course, went for the difficult like Paganini and others want to boast how great they are by doing Flight of the Bumblebee in an extreme speed and end up missing a few notes. I'll try something different."

She played a soft and mellow tune but was not attracting any audiences. Me, Fletcher, and Zorua were her only spectators and cheerers.

"Yeah, it's not working." I told my Pokemon.

I looked and observed the other violinist at the end of the street where all the crowd was.

"Um... Who wrote what you're playing?"


"Try something more up but elegant like what that boy's doing over there that isn't slow or boring."

"Hmm... I could try Liszt. La Campanella, in English, Little Bells."

"That's the forest, right?"

"Everything you see or we're going to is based on either a musician, a piece, aria, or anything similar to that sort of matter."

She did her thing for minutes or so, repeating multiple of times since it wasn't working right away until she turned one passerby towards her. The mother stopped with her kid on the stroller and threw a few Pokedollars at the box. Slowly, more came and the more there were, the faster the rate of gaining an audience as the people were curious to see what was happening. From La Campanella, she shifted to waltzes, slow but entertaining.

At the end, the masses clapped their hands and gave their applaud before going about their day. I also gave mine since I was truly impressed.

We began counting the money we earned and summed it up to a total and approximate value of one hundred pokedollars. It was enough to buy us lunch for the day.

Valery and I ate at a Chinese restaurant with the money we, I mean she, earned for the both of us. She was right, I saved a bunch from my salary and if she could continue that, then that'd be a great advantage for this whole mission.

"We're looking for this woman. Have you seen her?" I overheard the policemen whom we met at the checkpoint. I took a peek at what they held at their hand and it was surprisingly me who was at the photograph, except I was wearing my uniform and my hair style was different. I had to bun my hair every time I'm out to hide my appearance.

"No, I haven't," said the old lady.

"You done?" I asked Valery.

"A little more minutes."

"There are officers looking for me."

"The heck? How did they know you were here?"

"I'm in every billboard on every region I've been to. But to answer your question, I have absolutely no idea too. Why are they searching for me here?"

"Don't worry. They won't realize it's you. Like in the checkpoints."

"Still, it makes me agitated for someone to talk about me who just happens to be on the opposite table," I whispered.

She slurped her bowl and wiped her mouth with a tissue. "Fine, fine. Come on, let's buy tickets before they ask us--"

"Excuse me, we're from the Bureau and we would like to know if any of you have seen this woman? Her name is Luna Evergreen. She's got blue hair like one of you, and coincidentally, the same shade."

"No, I don't realize or recall meeting with a woman like her," Valery said. "Never mind. I did. My friend and I were practicing archery, we told this to your comrades at the Haydn checkpoint, and we saw a woman who was beating up a Butterfree. She ripped off its bones and fed it to her Pokemon. A cruel, and merciless woman. We didn't want our bones to be fed to her Pokemon too so we just ran away and act as if nothing happened."

Her excuse was somehow believed by them but imagining that almost made me vomit. I would not ever rip the bones out people and Pokemon and feed them to mine. That is horrendously too much.

"And what Pokemon did she have?"

"A Volcarona," I said. "Has a bruise on the eye and also a Mawile with scars on the jaws."

"Thank you. Both of you have been most helpful." The police said and left.

I was glad what they had was a photograph of me when I still didn't have my scar. Now I would be needing to apply cream to make hide my scar thereon in case they got an updated version of my profile.

"We better leave quick."

"Clever of you to use Volcarona and Mawile. Leave them in your account for a while."

"I intend to. We better buy tickets quick."