LOG 20: Reformed Plasma

A secret hut in heart of the city of Driftveil was used by the remaining remnants of Team Plasma. These Team Plasma members were those who desired to follow N and his redemption towards a better Unova.

The hut was a sanctuary, a place where nature flowed into the soul and sparked new healing.

The leader of the second reformed Plasma was N. Though he is missing, they believe their king would return and shed light on the them. Like Ghetsis who hides in barracks and is replaced momentarily by a temporary leader, as so as is this reformed Plasma.

They kept to their original uniforms. The uniforms the grunts wear are based on knights, as they try to enforce their own definition of justice throughout Unova. They also have a coat of arms on their chest (a shield shape with a blue P, with one side black and the other white), and an X on their hoods.

A man named William took charge of authority and is guided by one of the sages who is now against Ghetsis. They hope by the changing their lives, they would be able to follow the humble teachings of their true king and maybe some day, encounter him once more.

For now, their hut is merely a day care center for Pokemon who are sick and abandoned by their trainers but this was only the beginning of a conflict against their brethren.