LOG 36: Fight at the Plasma Frigate!

Cheren's Stoutland charged towards the Arcanine and Arbok, throwing them off the ship.

Nate balanced his position and sent out his Emboar, commanding it to go straight and ram into the Golem and Ludicolo.

Meanwhile, Hugh's Samurott aimed for Walrein and Pelliper.

"This will give me enough time," said Professor Sophie after inspecting the conflict for about a few seconds.

She went back inside the captain's room and sat placidly. She booted up the large monitor comprised of rows and columns of televisions and contacted their main leader, Zinzolin.

"The frigate's being attacked," she said confidently while gnawing on her apple.

"Attacked? Aren't you going to deal with it?"

"We have the grunts to rely on," she bit again her apple. "No trainers will stop our goals. Where's the DNA splicers?"

"Colress had already discovered where it is. At the old man's gym."

"Hmm... I hate that old man. Got a lot of Dragon Pokemon with him. All useless weasels."

"Not if we have Kyurem of course."

"Kyurem?" She stood and leaned closer to the monitor. "You found it?"

"Only it's locations, we have."

The door opened by surprise. Not a passing of a second, Professor Sophie had looked back and pointed a gun at them. She fired a bullet towards Cheren who was in front, but then came his Stoutland to receive it instead of him.

Stoutland grumbled in pain, its body electrified with the shock.

"Amazing technology isn't it?" She blew the smoke off the tip.

"Cliche!" Cheren said and sprayed a Full Heal at Stoutland, clearing all of its status conditions.

"Enough with this madness, Team Plasma. You're days are over."

Professor Sophie chuckled. "Really, now?"

"Liberating people from Pokemon is terrible!" Hugh shouted.

"You are certain of that which you speak? We're no longer the past of Team Plasma. This is the future-- To unleash the full potential of Pokemon!" She laughed hysterically. "You're too young to understand us! Neither one of you will understand. But when..." She slid her hand on the screen. "But when we're finished, the world will be grateful!"

"Absurd idiots."

Her laugh grew tense. "I'm used to people calling me that! Magnezone, Gyro Ball!"

"I got this!" said Nate. "Emboar Flame Charge!"

Emboar's speed hastened.

Despite the system of disadvantage, Magnezone was able to succeed with its plan, shooting out all three trainers to the deck.

Magnezone went back to its trainer.

"See what I mean by full potential? We'll be unstoppable and no Pokemon will ever be considered weak! Ever again!"

Magnezone began storing power.

"This is absurd!" Hugh muttered, flat on the floor.

"No, darling." Professor Sophie knelt down and tickled his chin. "It's fate."

That moment she said those words, the professor stepped back and allowed Magnezone to go all in with its boosted attack. It sent the three flying into air and landing them to sea.

The engines of the Plasma Frigate rolled. Steam was emitted at the stern and the flag all grunts take pride of fluttered.

"I'm sure this isn't our last meeting," said Professor Sophie to the trainers swimming to shore.

A mist was conjured upon them and when it was removed, the entirety of the organization lost its presence.