LOG 50: The Rivalry Continues

At the Plasma Frigate, Professor Sophie went on to challenge their intruder. It was mostly silent at the basement of the frigate where there were no sounds except for smoke, tingling metals, and red sirens only flashing. The professor's voice would constantly echo.

At the power generator room, vast and open, filled with pipes running across the side, Professor Sophie, holding a metal rod, dragged it on the floor as she approached the center, the battery emitting weird clinky noises.

"If you do that, you know both of us will end to death," she said to air.

The clinky noises stop as a dagger slowly floated to the fore of the professor.

"Magnezone, return to your Pokeball," said Professor Sophie. She took out an object more or less similar to the dagger the invisible intruder held. "Fight with me and you'll have my sword for eternity; fight against me and you'll feel my sword just long enough to realise that I ended you and all that awaits your consciousness is the vast emptiness of space. You are at my side or you die. That's not a gamble, that's a certainty."

The dagger began lashing Professor Sophie but she countered through blocks and barricades. She then kicked the air, which pushed the dagger to the ground as a bang on the battery occured, as if someone had clashed into it.

The intruder soon revealed herself. Alice, the daughter of the mad professor. She sent out, with a glare, her Snorlax and prepared to go easy on her mother.

"I knew it was you, darling."

"You're a traitor, mother. I've devoted my life to Team Rocket and all a while, you never told me you were of Team Plasma. You not only betrayed the organization but also me, your family."

"Team Rocket was weak and easy to infiltrate. I thought wrong. We were defeated but now, round two has begun and for sure, Team Plasma will claim its revenge against Team Rocket."

"You think of it as a sort of game? I must admit both parties have a fault though, yet you should've stayed with Team Rocket. Those out of it, are my enemies."

"You're not seriously going to fight against your mother, aren't you?"

"Snorlax, Hyper Beam!"

"Magnezone, come back out and counter with Gyro Ball!"

The professor's Pokemon withstood it and blast off the foe's Snorlax.

"You see, I'm more powerful than you. A daughter cannot win against her mother."

"Luna did."

"Luna's mother was pathetic. Magnezone Thunder Wave!"

"Impossible, but Snorlax's fainted already."

"I never said I was aiming for Snorlax, dear."

Alice's eyes widened as she saw the attack coming close to her. She was left paralyzed after the move.

Professor Sophie dragged her daughter to the battery and stuck her head onto it.

"I will give you a chance to live, but you must come with me and join Team Plasma," Professor Sophie bargained for her life. "I have trained you for years and you know full well the body is seventy percent water. Nod if you agree with the deal, shake your head if you don't."

Alice abruptly shook her head in pain.

"Just as what I thought," Professor Sophie sent out her Carrascosta. "Hydro Pump!"