LOG 52: The Rescue

A clink hit the fore of the helicopter, spreading mist through the air. The mist was thick that no sharp eye could easily see through the windshield. The doors slid open by force as Dawn and Logan tried to stop the attacking adversary.

In blindness all they could see was a rocky beak and eye, feathers masked in twilight. Its head caught the direction of the wind every once in a while as it scanned the vehicle, head moving fast in small jerky motions.

"Logan?" Dawn shouted and searched for him while coughing. We heard footsteps coming in and after a few while, there was sounds of scissors trying to cut through the ropes.

"Valery?" I whispered.

"I told you, I'm a woman of my word. Just hold a sec, this thing ain't bulging."

"Don't use a knife. Use a dagger, or your arrow head, or a knife. The rope's too thick."

"Right, right, but I brought only one arrow with me."

"Where is it?"

"At the helicopter's front, emitting the smoke."

"I've got an idea! Go to the back and untie Absol. Her restraints are less tight. The Police are too sympathetic to Pokemon."

"K, k. Wait here."

Emma instructed, "Logan, Dawn! Make sure the prisoner doesn't escape."

They both stammered. "We can't see her!"

"Wasn't Logan guarding Luna?"

"Yes but still, my sight lost track of her," he said.

"Blimey! Take control, sergeant," said Emma.

Absol cut through my restraints.

I petted it. "Thanks."

"Here are your other Pokemon," Valery threw me my Pokeballs.

The mist was getting thicker due to Aerodactyl flapping its wings.

"You decided to mega evolve it?"

"No. That's a Pidgeot."

"Oh wait? What? I thought it was an Aerodactyl. Your Aerodactyl. Certainly looked like one."

"Caught a bird for myself. Will be releasing it subsequently. Don't worry, two can fit. I'm sure."

We were about to jump into the Pokemon's back when we were blocked by Logan and his Gallade.

He glared at us and could only see our figures. He walked closer.

"Luna?" he whispered.

I didn't know what to reply and so I remained quiet instead.

Our figures soon became clear to him as did his became clear to us.

"Go," Logan said.

I was shocked he took me literally when I asked him to set free. At first I thought he was being sarcastic when he uttered to me again, "Go!"

"Logan? Is Luna there?"

"No, no. Check the other side, Dawn," he said then looked back to me. "I guess that's where your wrong. Some trainers aren't heroes."

I smiled.

"Hey! Enough staring, let's go," Valery pulled my hand, and together, we leapt into the brave bird.

The Pidgeot flew and went back down but didn't appear to be the island anymore.

"Are we going back to Valkrie?" I asked.

"No, not there. I've hired a boat you see. Immediately after you were held captive, I hired, I mean, I should admit, bribed, a seafarer and now we've got ourselves a ride to our next destination."

"Nice work, Valery. It's safe to assume you truly are a Lieutenant Colonel now."


"Technically no, but in my opinion, yes, of course!"