Late Again

"Good morning sir and mam. Where is she?" Rahul greeted and asked Mr. and Mrs. Reddy.

"Ohh, Good morning son. She must be sleeping in her room. You know it's really hard to wake her up. Go and check" Mrs. Reddy said.

"Late again! How did she even pass the exam with this kind of tardiness" Rahul said.

After reaching in front of her door Rahul knocked twice and entered there he saw her lying on the floor hugging her pillow. Rahul went to her and shrugged a little bit and asked her to get up but she didn't move an inch. The next moment he went near her ears and shouted "ANNA!!!!!!!!"

Anna jolted up and threw a straight punch towards Rahul's nose. But he caught her fist.

"Get up you lazy woman, you are late again. You don't want the Chief Minister to kick you out of your office do you?" He said and went back to the dining room for breakfast.

Anna was still in daze, after five second she yelled "Rahul you bastard Fuck you I am the one who is going to kick your ass soul out of your body, you moron"

In dining hall Rahul face was still expressionless and Mr. and Mrs. Reddy didn't care about it anymore because now it became there daily routine.


After freshening up as fast as she could Anna came down to have breakfast but before she could take her first step towards the kitchen she was dragged by Rahul out of her villa.

If Rahul had looked back and seen her face he would have seen those blood veins almost popping out.


In the car trying to control her anger she was sitting silently when suddenly a lunch box landed on her lap.

Rahul had already packed her lunch because she was getting late.

Anna's lip twitched but she knew that he wouldn't let her have an empty stomach. She always loved how Rahul indirectly took care of her with small things.

After having her full she was back to her liveliness and started irritating her secretary or a friend who she considered as her brother and he also treated her like his sister. Fooling around and irk him is one of her favourite things

"Rahul let's go, we should elope from this meeting otherwise these meetings will cause our death." " Hey should I buy those mini earbuds for us before we reach" " I am telling you if that minister dared to order me i am gonna kick his ass in front of President or prime minister" "you know what, we should gather some dark information against him so that we can blackmail him with some money! 100 Million?" "Hey don't be considerate towards him he is one of the most corrupt person in our office" " I should also do some politics from now onwards"

"Hey say something!!! Why do you always ignore me? Do you hate me? You don't like me? You don't want me as your boss anymore? Say something!!!!!"


"We reached" Rahul said


Anna " " Fuck you


"Speak what's the reason" Anna is in serious mode.

"Today the prime minister is here to talk about the protest which is happening in D city with a large number of people to stop the new startup by the government which will cause their displacement. Prime minister and other ministers don't want this building of dam to be stopped but if this continues this will need to be stop" Rahul said, he knows when Anna is in serious mode it's better to explain every single thing in detail.

"What is that ?? " "Like they really woke me up for this reason !?" Anna said and walked swiftly towards the conference room so that she can finish this off as fast as she can, followed by Rahul.


In conference room

" Good morning everyone, I got late" Anna greeted everyone and lazily sat down on her seat.

"Good morning Miss Anna and it's okay" by prime minister

"Good morning Miss Governor and of course it's okay we can wait for you as like always" by the most corrupt minister Mr. Sahil with a mocking smile.

"Good morning mam" by other ministers.

Anna just sneered at Sahil's comment or greeted other back

To remove the tension between Anna and Sahil, the Prime minister started the meeting right after their formal introduction.

"So you all know about the building of the dam in city D, where also local people started to protest against it. So because this construction is very beneficial for the country's development in the hydroelectricity arena and for the employment base we made sure there won't be a problem in the law base and in the financial base but because of this problem which arises through society I wanted the state legislature to take action in this." " Either we take care of the protesters demand and stop this construction or either solve this problem"

The discussion had just started and Anna already wanted to get out of this room. Actually Anna does have a solution but she also knows that even if the most righteous decision is put in front of these ministers at the starting point of the meeting they won't accept. Because they like to go around to start with the rubbish ideas and eliminating them one by one. That's the sole reason why Anna hates these kinds of meetings where she has to wait till the last moment and then only she can speak out fully when they have no choice left.

After 3 hours of discussion when ministers saw there was no outcome, they all stopped and started thinking for new ways because they all wanted to gain some credit from high authority.

While Anna was still playing on a game under the table when suddenly she said "Die you bastard".

Every person was stunned by those words, because the hall was silent those words were more clear for everyone to hear. Now everyone in the hall was now looking at her.

These words also definitely startled Rahul who is sitting behind her and to get her sense's back in meeting he kicked her.

"Shit are you mad Rahul" Anna said it loud because it did cause some pain on her ankle. But when she saw that everyone was staring at her, Rahul got what he wanted , her sense's.