Can't have sex

"We know you are capable of supporting yourself but there will be a moment when you will need your family to support you. Having your own family will give you assurance to respect love. They will be the first one to trust you. You are running from it because of your stubbornness. You don't even want to try Anna that's not right. If your reason for denying it is so righteous why can't you say it out." Rahul said, giving her some warmth through his hand.

It's not like that Anna doesn't want her family. She is just very uncomfortable with this thought. Anna knows that she is also being inconsiderate towards her parents' feelings and brother's. So she decided to share it.

"Okay, just don't laugh, I don't know if it's a big issue for you or not but it's really a big issue for me see you know that I never liked or loved a guy with the intention of having him as my boyfriend. I never had a boyfriend, never tried to get one. It was not because of my ego or stubbornness of having a single life since birth I just can't imagine myself having an intimate relationship with the other guy. Whenever there's a guy near me I hate it. I don't hate your touch or anyone but when I get to know that someone is trying to touch me with some other intention I just hate it..... Are you getting me??.... You get me right?"

Both Rahul and Yagya shook their heads in disagreement.


"In short I just can't have SEX. Do you get it now?" Anna said annoyingly and raised her voice a little bit.

Rahul and Yagya gave a look to each other but didn't say a word. They definitely don't want to laugh but they are worried, they know this will not end properly.

"So, what do you want? Just because of this you wanna live alone for the rest of your life?" Yagya said

" Just? " Anna said showing her fake surprise face and continued "Find me a guy who doesn't want sex and will sign a contract on it and promise that we won't have sex and he won't cheat on me. I'll marry him."

Both man don't know what to say, even they don't have the answer but they actually want to try for her but,

"What about kids?" Rahul asked.

"I'll adopt two kids after 2 years" she replied

So, she actually has a plan for her life if there is no life partner in that plan.

"Okay we will try to find that kind of man we also don't want you to have forced sex because of marriage especially when you are soo against to it." Rahul said and Yagya nodded on this.

"Really!!!!!? Woah I actually want to know if there's a guy like this on earth"Anna dramatically gaped her mouth while saying.

"That's not your problem you just promised us that you will marry him if he accepts your conditions and don't worry we will definitely find a good man" Yagya said

"Okay" Anna confirmed.

"Good let's have our dinner before we go back"

After having their fill they all went back to their home. For Anna it actually went well and easily she dodged all attacks from her opponent.

After having that day no one discusses marriage with her. Neither Rahul nor Yagya said about her condition to get married to her parents because they know they won't agree. For Rahul and Yagya Anna is just a kid and she will understand all these things when she will fall for someone. She does love romantic stories but she never likes romance in her life because she thinks that romance or love both are fake. No one can love you without any reason or condition like her parents and brothers do. And that mindset they want to change.

Meanwhile Anna was happy that no one is discussing it and sure that no one can find that kind of guy. And even if they did, that must be a gay hihihi.


After 1 month

She was roaming in her city with a pack of Doritos. 1 hour ago she ran away from her office plus Rahul. Rahul is not against her leaving work at the middle of the day but what he is against is that she didn't take her guards with her. She always does these things twice thrice a month, which causes her security in danger but nothing happened till now.

But today is exception

She was very bored when suddenly she heard some voices or grunting from pain. To help her curiosity she went into the alley where she saw that some goon's were beating a single guy like hell. When she gets near to them she gets to know that they are just beating him because he got himself a girlfriend who likes him and he likes her too but the gang leader of goon's likes that girl and wants him to break up with her.

"Fuck you" Anna said unknowingly that in this alley her voice was loud enough to get theirs attention.

Anna didn't want to say it so loud but for her it still doesn't matter even if they heard her because she is going to join them anyway.

All gang members and boys on land with so many injuries looked towards her surprisingly because no one heard her footsteps. This alley with nothingness, except those walls covering it, do create echo with every footsteps even. One of the men jumped forward from the metal box in front of Anna.

"Woah look guys we got a girl here. Miss, how can we help you?" Leader said his last comment with a deep voice.

Anna didn't knew how to start the conversation with stranger, she never knows actually. The only thing she know is how to end it.

"Huh!? Ohhh... Let me think first of course I want you guys to let him go and the second thing I am kind of bored right now so let me beat a shit out of you. I hope you will help me out" Anna said with a gentle smile plastered on her face.