Need his help

The moment she finished her sentence she dash forward . While putting one foot on table, she jumped towards two men's chest directly and before they fell, she used their head as a support to kick the other goon standing behind him, who did not even get the chance to retaliate.

"Shit" Ankit said while covering his eyes but still peeking between the slits of his finger. Abhijeet didn't blink, and wanted to make sure her security was not at risk.

"You five attacked her together," Main leader shouted while pointing towards the five members of his group.

Abhijeet's gaze was dark before one could attack her from behind; he gave him a hard kick. Anna turned around and playfully winked at him and got back. Abhijeet wanted to help her but he also didn't want to insult her indirectly.

Anna grabbed one of the bulky men's wrists and twisted it painfully and started giving kicks towards the other man one by one. After finishing the 10 members she didn't stop and without giving them warning, she started throwing kicks and punches towards the rest of the members. But Anna didn't hurt them badly, she handled every man with only a single move but in sensitive areas to hold them.

At the same moment Anna didn't forget to talk and teach them while giving one man elbow strike to the back of neck Anna said "You guys do have strength little bit but don't have skills but 'it is never too late to learn '. The second last move I did was from jutsu. And this one is a simple Up knee move. Leader, you can teach them a few moves in jail for sure" Anna said, finishing 28th last.

Abhijeet was trying to gasp the whole situation. When he did, he wasn't able to move his eyes away from her again. This day was quite unexpectedly surprising and totally unplanned but he was happy that he chose to come here. He chuckled softly then he typed something on his phone and kept it aside.

Anna looked towards Mohit who said about playing and before he could run away she held his wrist and kicked him. Mohit rolled onto the ground while howling. But the next moment Anna kicked him hard and caused him to crash into the wall.

"Woah!! Mohit how can you cry when I did not even start playing with you. Stop crying like a kid. Come to mama i'll help you as a gentlewoman" Anna said smiling coldly.

Abhijeet looked at the scene and then that skinny girl in a check shirt. Even though initially he did think that she will handle few of them and the rest he will help her if she asked for it but he never thought that the end would be like this. He now quite admires her.

Meanwhile Anna turned around and moved towards the leader who was already trembling from fear. Anna didn't plan to beat him but the next moment she slapped him hard "What kind of brother you are? Teaching your younger brother to fight, to beat? You should be ashamed of yourself."

The moment she finished, around 10 to 15 policemen came inside and saluted her. She just gave a small nod.


Abhijeet looked at her admiringly but suddenly, his eyes went towards her feet. She stood with one leg support only. Then he remembered that she had a leg injury.

And the next moment he went there to support her but before he could reach her...

Ankit also stood up when he saw Abhijeet getting up but his leg got stuck in the chair and due to imbalance, he pushed the man standing in front of him.

Abhijeet didn't know from where the force came but now he is falling towards Anna.

When Anna turned around, she saw Ankit imbalance but before she could help Abhijeet, she also fell down with him.

For five seconds he did not know what happened. But when he looked down he saw a beautiful face, and a small smile crept out on his face. How cute she has kept her eyes closed tightly, maybe she is waiting for the feeling of pain. He didn't move a inch and keep looking at her

After a few seconds Anna opened one of her eyes but her eyes got locked with Abhijeet and didn't know but now they both are staring at each other.

Ankit went towards them and saw that small smile on his face and took a picture of them. Then to end this PDA, he coughed slightly.

Both of them regained their consciousness.

"Shit my head!?" Anna said

"My hand" Abhijeet replied

"My waist?" Anna asked another question

"My other hand" Abhijeet again assured him

"Ohh thank goodness, sorry head is a sensitive part and my waist is a sensitive part for me" Anna said embarrassingly while in the same position.

"It's okay, it was my fault anyway"Abhijeet replied, still having her in his arms.

"Naah it's alright I saw it, it was unintentional. Are you okay?" Anna said

"Yeah, I am okay. Are you alright?" Abhijeet asked back.

Before Anna could reply another voice came.

"Yeah she is alright, but now you get up from her."

"Huh? Rahul! When did you come?" Anna said while Abhijeet helped her in standing up.

"When you were hugging him on the ground" Rahul said mockingly and pulled Anna towards him.

"Hehehe don't joke around, we were not hugging each other we just fell down together" Anna said embarrassingly when she remembered the position, first time ever she was in that position and she lost her consciousness.

"Ohh you guys fell together!" Rahul commented.

"Yes" Anna said strictly and then pleadingly "Don't embarrass me Rahul" But then suddenly something strikes

"Ohh, by the way Rahul can you please take care of that gang for me. And also take compensation for the damage in the cafe from them, I am inside having my bunch okay?" Anna said while pushing him outside.

Rahul didn't say anything and went outside.

Anna took Abhijeet's hand and led him towards their table. Abhijeet looked towards their hand and another smile crept out. Today he smiled a lot, as much as he did in a year.


With pleading eyes she looks towards Abhijeet who is sitting across her. Which definitely gave a cold shiver to Ankit.

Abhijeet looked up and saw another new expression, ohh he is loving it.

"Can you help me? Please!!." Anna said impatiently.