We met

After one week of rest, today Anna is on her way to for a meeting. She is finally relieved with her freedom. One thing she hates is locked up at home and more than that Hospitals.

Today she is happy, what actually made her happy the most was, Rahul is taking day off so that he can take his wife out for small trip.

She is happy because finally she convinced him that he should take sister in law out on romantic date. She make sure that no one will disturb him until she dies. She don't want to spoil his day off at all.

On her way to meeting, Anna was enjoying her view satisfyingly. When car stopped on red light, she saw two kids standing on walkway and trying to cross it. When she looked clearly she notice that those kids are not someone from roadside but actually they are from well off family and they look very scared.

She was just analyzing the situation when she saw that a yellow car was coming towards them, without thinking twice she got down from the car and ran towards them. The car was just a short distance away when Anna covered kids in her arms and rolled them with her towards another side of road safely.

"What the hell.!! Are you guys all right?" The driver of yellow car said nervously after getting off from car. He don't know what happened but suddenly those kids were in front but that lady saved him and kids both.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. I'll take care of them, you can go." Anna said not bothering about the guy. Her full attention is now on kids. Anna know they are very scared to even cry. That's why they are just looking at her.

Anna car's and her guards came towards her and cover her up. They were also scared when they saw how she saved these kids without thinking about her. One of the guard came forward and said "Mam we will take care of kids you please get inside car." While saying it he came forward to carry boy from her arms but boy hold on Anna arm got tightened more.

Anna can tell, they are not calm yet and leaving them is totally not a right decision. So, she carried a boy on her left arm and girl on her right. She took them to park near them. She sat in a nearby bench in park.

The boy act older than his sister so he himself sat on the bench so that he won't burdern this lady but the girl did not want to leave Anna's neck at all. So, Anna also sat there holding her lightly saying few words of solace.

After few seconds the girl started crying badly. Anna didn't stopped her, she don't want her to bottle up that fear she faced. The boy stopped himself by clenching his fist with thumbs tucked-in. Anna know he is trying to be big for his sister but he is also just a kid she can't let him torcher himself this way.

Anna holds his fist in her palm and looked at him when he also looked up "I am here, you can cry." This one sentence was enough for the boy to start sobbing.

Anna sat cross-legged on the bench and held a child on each of her legs and let them cry on her shoulder as much as they want.

When security guards saw this, they don't know how to describe the motherly feeling their boss exert was soo solace for them that the driver also started feeling bad for kids.

After twenty minutes her leg gave up. The kids are not crying anymore they stopped after 10 minutes but they hid their faces on her shoulder for last 10 minutes. 'Are they slept' Anna thought.

"Mam I think we should leave now. We are already late and we can't delay anymore. They must be waiting for us. Let us handle these kids" The sub assistant said.

The moment assistant said about leaving kids, kids hold Anna more tightly. Anna also don't want to leave them but she can't hold these kids more long, there parents must be worried.

"Do one thing cancel all the meeting I have on today and don't you dare to inform Rahul about this otherwise you will be the one to suffer. Second thing find out whose kids they are. They don't have any ID on them. Try to search through their faces. And right we are going to have our lunch. Right kids?"

Anna asked hoping they would reply but they didn't they just hold her tightly. Anna can sense their lack of trust towards others. Even though her arms are aching but kids are now more important so she again carried them back to her car and asked to drive any nearby restaurant.


In restaurant

Both kids are now sitting in front of her. No one can have their fill in that position so they all sat separately but they didn't look up from there plates from last 5 minutes. Anna don't know how to cheer up them so she went and sat down between them. Both kids finally looked up but when they saw how she is smiling towards them, they looked down again.

'Shit!! Is my smile is that horrible that they are avoiding my eyes even.'

There orders served but kids didn't touch it. Anna thought that they didn't have heart to eat but she can't let them have empty stomach so, she took one spoon from girls plate to feed her.

The girl looked up and for few seconds she didn't say anything but after that she opened her mouth. Anna was relieved then she did same with the boy and boy also ate. In this way they finished all their food in half an hour.

Anna was happy but also little bit frustrate. This was her first time that she remained silent for so long. It was too tough but she can't talk rubbish to kids. But she couldn't hold herself more and started talking rubbish again.