Need to go back

Anna was sitting with both kids in car. She got the details of kids. She wanted to send back kids properly by herself but 20 minutes before she got a call from her father to come back home.

"Kartik and Kavya, listen to me. First I am sorry I can't come to leave you home myself, I really need to leave so forgive me!"Anna said nervously hoping they won't cry.

"You won't come with us but our teacher told us that mom live with us!" Kartik always wanted to live with his mommy and sister. It's still incomplete.

MOM!! "Mom can't live with you because I need to go back to my father, as like you, I need to live with my father too. My father will be upset if I leave him. You don't want that to happen right?"

"Okay mom but you will come and meet us right?" Kartik and Kavya looked at her with expectations. Again Anna forget about her decision that she won't let them have any fake hope and agreed.

"Yes of course, wait let me right down my number. Call me when ever you need me okay" And very energeticly she did what she shouldn't. Anna gave both of them a chit where her number was written in bold.

While pointing towards one of her private guard Anna said strictly "Second, do not leave this uncles hand until you see your father. Ohkay? Promise me this thing" Anna don't want them to leave in danger again that's why even though she first came to know of their school, she still wanted to leave them at their home so that they would be safe. While talking with both kids she got to know that their dad is trustworthy so she decided to leave these kids only to their, no uncle aunt.

"Okay mom we won't leave him until we see our dad". Both kids reply.

"Good and take care" She said and started kissing them again. She actually don't have heart to leave them at all.


They reached in front of mansion. When Anna saw it, she already know that this immortal thing must have done to gain for money or power. What Anna hate the most is this complicated life. That's why she always avoid her father company and her business shareholder meetings.

Anna embraced both children for the last time, before bidding them farewell. She believes, it would be their last meeting because kids can easily forget things and can easily have emotional bond with others that's why she felt more bad.


When main door guards saw the kids they fastly open the door for both men and kids. And guards with kids get inside.

"Kartik Kavya" On one side there was a shout of their name and hurried step coming towards them, but both men didn't move and one man still hold children hand firmly and another protecting them.

"Where were you?" A middle aged lady came forward to carry kid but was stopped by guards.

"What's wrong with you? They are our kids step aside." A middle aged lady got annoyed with that guard.

"Sorry mam, we have orders we need to follow, we won't leave kids until their father come." One of the guard said.

"What the hell are you talking about, I am their grandpa! Are you saying I am some kind of stranger." A middle aged man came this time looked anxious but now relieved.

"Sorry sir and mam but we have orders, until we confirm that kids are safe with their father, we won't leave them." Guard tried to stop them politely again.

"I am their father." A stunning man came downstairs with very dark and imposing manner and looked at them like a culprit. But guards were prepared for this so they didn't hesitate a lot.

Both guards look down to confirm from kids and kids also nod "He is our father sir, you can leave us now" Kavya said

"Sir, may I know your name please?"

"Abhijeet Rai"

"Sorry sir again but can I have your I'D" Guard asked apologetically.

Abhijeet didn't mind but was curious about there boss. He showed his I'd.

"Thank you sir, we confirmed your identity, sorry for the inconvenience but I would like to show you something and tell you something important as well." Guard said while indicating only trustworthy should come with them.

Abhijeet got what he wanted so he only asked his parents to stay with Tanya and all the rest leave he also informed his brother to come back

"Say" Abhijeet said while sitting on main couch. And rest took their seat here and there .

The guar looked at him and said "Sir firstly to tell you, where we met with your kids"

The guard took out laptop from his his bag. And went on some government website and code something. A short time later a video started playing. The guard then cut out the main part of video and played it front of everyone.

The video was taken from other side of road. So the clarity was not there.

In that video, two children were standing on the sidewalk trying to cross the path. When everyone saw those silhouette they already knew they were twins. Abhijeet's mom couldn't believe that those small kids were in such a big crisis. Suddenly she saw that the car was coming towards children who were crossing the path. In reflex she stood up. Not only her, there was a panic in everyone's heart. Abhijeet unconsciously clenched his fist.

But they saw that before that car could do some harm to their children. A girl suddenly came in view and covered kids in her arms and rolled them with her towards another side of road. And all family members heaved a sigh of relief.

"That was your madam?" Abhijeet's mom asked gratefully.

"Yes" One of the guard said. "We showed you this so that we can prove you that we did not kidnap your kids, for more proof you can definitely ask for it, my mam said."

"No need I trust your mam" Abhijeet said normally no more cold and dark look. "What more you wanted to tell us"

"That sir it's a audio of your kids and my mam" Then again guard took laptop and played the recent audio.

"Can you tell your mom what happened since morning?" A girl voice came out of audio.