She is here

Abhijeet was idly standing doing nothing and looking some contracts in his phone when suddenly red and green sauce was all over his imported suit. He wore this suit especially today for Anna but now it's all mess. He was angry, very very angry.

Everyone stopped doing anything and looked at the scene created by a girl. There was a pin drop silence. Everyone know that Mr. Rai is short tempered that's why he never interact with others but now this girl actually dare to create a scene with him where he is loosing out?

Abhijeet looked up to see the culprit and saw that girl who's indirect proposal came for him and the rage in his eyes got double. The girl also got scared and in hurry she took tissue from nearby counter and went towards him to pat out sauce from his shirt.

"Don't you dare to touch me woman!!!" Abhijeet yelled on her very angrily. It was well known in business that no woman can touch him. That's why no one tried to propose their daughter marriage to him either. But today everything happened.

The girl stopped herself in fear. Mr. Singh also know that he is done for sure today because of her stupid daughter. Mellie was so scared that a fear of tears started dropping out of her eyes.

"You are crying? You dare to cry in front of me after this?" Abhijeet said coldly. He hates this fake tears of women, she is trying to gain sympathy from others.

Tanya and Virat came in sight and saw this whole thing but don't know what to say.


Anna entered the venue where she notice that everything seems to be quiet but at the same time everyone is mummering too. Am i too late!? Suddenly her gaze fell on that person. Who was standing at corner in Royal blue suit. She realized that guy is Abhijeet.

She beamed because now she have someone to spend this boring day with. In her happiness she didn't notice that everyone is looking at him and towards his direction.

When she reached there she tap on his left shoulder and stand instead towards his right shoulder to play little prank on him.

Abhijeet was not angry at Mellie that she spilled sauce on him? He is angry because today he prepared this much to meet Anna and she messed up all. When he was thinking about this someone tap on his left shoulder, when he turn towards left and saw no one and in reflex he turned again towards right he saw her.

Anna! She is here finally but my suit!!. Instead of saying anything he subconsciously looked down towards his messed up suit and feel more bad that he is looking like this in front of her.

Anna was happy to play little prank on him but when she didn't get any reply, she felt bad and thought he ignored her. But when she notice his gaze towards his suit, she also looked down and saw the ruined suit.

"Ohh shit what happened to your suit." She hurriedly took out wet tissue from her sling bag and started dapping on his shirt to wipe atleast little bit.

Everyone saw that. They all were shocked. Someone actually dare to touch devil this intimately? When she played that prank on him everyone thought that now it will be her turn. Devil will definitely kill her with his words but nothing happened and then this girl actually touch him while standing this close to him, they thought she will be thrown out of this place but again devil is just looking at her.

When Tanya saw a girl touching his brother without his consent. She got annoyed and went towards her to pull her away from her brother. But before she could touch her someone hold her wrist in air.

That was Abhijeet. He shook his head lightly and left her wrist and his gaze was back to his girl.

"Say something Mr. Rai who did this to you? You know what you should change otherwise it will stain your body too." Anna said looked up to see him and then only she realized how close she was to him. She stepped back and smiled awkwardly.

Abhijeet smile back and took another wet tissue from counter and took her hand and started cleaning it. "Just to wipe someone's dirt you can't get yourself dirty Miss Anna." Abhijeet said while he was enjoying holding her hand.

"Hehehe I didn't notice that but how did this happen?" Anna ask again not minding his touch at all.

"Nothing just a accident." He was already done wiping her hand but he didn't leave her hand.

"Ohh but you should go and change first, otherwise it will make your body stink too from inside" To say last comment Anna speaks close to him like whispering.

Abhijeet smile and said "Okay i'll go and change fast and come. Can you wait for me? 10 minutes max." Abhijeet don't know if she will wait or not but he wanted to try his luck.

"Yeah yeah go and change i'll wait for you here. Anyway we are going to spend whole day together" Anna said nonchalantly without noticing that everyone is looking at her like a strange species. They can't believe that devil is holding someone's hand voluntarily.

Abhijeet felt like he can't be more greedy then this for today. He don't know why she said that or if she mean it but for that was enough if that thought anyway crossed her mind.

"What do you mean?" Abhijeet asked hesitantly because he don't want to hear any negative reply like 'i was kidding or anything'

"Ohh I planned to spend my day with you today. As you know how boring these meets are and I don't have anyone to spend my time except you so i'll stick to you whole day if you don't mind." Anna said shamelessly

"I definitely don't mind it. I would love to spend this day with you Miss Anna. But I do mind the way you call me." Abhijeet badly want her to call him his name. After knowing the reason for her decision, he was grateful to himself for attending this meet. More grateful towards Ankit who got him this news.