I want to sit with you

"Wait Wait Wait, You are getting me wrong, I am not saying in that way. I am not asking you out. I am totally not asking you out. How can I ask out my sister- hhubb-" Tanya kicked him on nick of time before he reveal anything.

"Why you hate me?" Anna acted like being heartbroken.

"No of course not, how would i dare to hate you. I like you a lot but I am not saying that" Virat said immediately

Here Anna is playing with him and Virat is breaking down whereas Abhijeet feel like thousands of pins are stabbing him. Does she like someone like Virat but not a person like me. She would like a person who can talk with her whole day like Virat or Ankit but a person who believe in one sentence theory is not her taste, may be that's why, she may consider anyone but not him. He now get it what they mean by insecurities and possessiveness. But right now Abhijeet is clearly overthinking.

"Hehehe relax I am just kidding. I know you just asked out of curiosity." Anna said laughingly while patting his shoulder.

"You did?" Abhijeet was still unsure about this.

"Of course If I have to like someone, I would like you first here. You are the most handsome one here" Anna said holding his arm. She don't know but she just felt quite comfortable with Abhijeet today, not like the last meeting they had which looked very formal.

Abhijeet was very satisfied with her answer and what make him more happy was her hand holding his arm. He badly want to hold her hand in his palm but he can't.

"Miss Anna can I call you sister?" Tanya asked.

"Huh? Okay as wish" Anna said thinking that the age difference doesn't look any different why would she want to call her sister. Actually the age difference was just one year.

"Me too!! I also want to call you sister!" Virat exclaimed with one hand raised.

"Okay, you can call whatever you like but don't make us centre of attention" Anna said while lowering his hand.

Abhijeet kind of knew that she don't like to be at centre. But right now she didn't notice that being with him this close was already something which make her center of attention for all rest of the company member.

Abhijeet hold her hand which was on his arm naturally, don't know but her hand didn't find distant to him at all. Anna looked up when she saw his action. "Shall we go in there. We can reserve our seats"

"Huh? You wanna sit at front?" Anna said with down cast look while totally forgetting about their holding hand. She never like to sit at front not in school not in college she was always a backbencher.

"No, I wanna sit with you" Abhijeet with gently smile.

Anna said taking step back away from him "Hey you can't say those words with smile on your face. Are you trying to seduce me? I am telling you, if you unintentionally seduced me you have to take responsibility for my poor heart."

Abhijeet was speechless. He badly want to take responsibility but when did he seduced her?

"Okay we will sit at last row. I can't stay awake whole time. I'll sleep later on." Anna said while knotting her shirt properly again on her waist which helped her being more relaxed.

Abhijeet just love her dressing sense. Which is actually hated by her every single friend.

"Okay but didn't they designated our seat already.?" Virat asked to Anna

"What? Did they? Shit that means we can't sit together Abhijeet?" Anna suddenly feel bad. She doesn't want to be alone in this business meet. Everyone is talking to their business partner or their friends. She don't have anyone to have fun. She just can't sleep all the time can she?

Abhijeet didn't know what to do with his brother. Of course he know the seats are already decided. Anna and Abhijeet both are at front but different row. Coming here all for her, of course he won't sit so far from her. Especially when she also wants to sit with him.

"Mukesh come here!" Mukesh is one of her Director assistant who came to join this meet.

"Yes mam!" Mukesh

"Where's our seat in hall?"Anna asked. Before Abhijeet could assure her she already asked her employee.

"Mam at front B row. Don't worry mam we always sit at front that's how our place in business field can be showcase" Mukesh replied immediately. Anna did'nt say anything and asked him to go back.

"Abhijeet!! We can't sit together!" Anna said dejectedly.

"Don't worry we are sitting together. I'll handle that matter." Abhijeet said patting her head gently.

"Really? How? I can't sit at back because of my company how will I sit with you when you are sitting at back." Anna said..

"Anna do you know which company I am representing?" Abhijeet asked to confirm his doubt that is Anna, still unknown about the fact that who is he?

"Which? Is it someone sitting beside me? Woah that's why you can sit with me?" Anna said happily clappsing her hand.

"Leave I'll arrange it, we will sit at front together" Abhijeet said helplessly and went to call someone.


"Who is She?" A guy in grey suit said. While standing little bit far from her.

"We don't know. No one know anything about her. We all want to know who actually is this girl who is so close to Mr. Rai." His friend said.

"Strange she is in this attire but she still looks so gorgeous. Her skin, face or figure all look like goddess. Should I try it on her?" A guy in grey suit said.

"Are you kidding look at her. I am telling you she is just from some middle class family trying to jump the tree without stepping on it like every other girls do." Another man from his group said.

"He is not wrong Badal everyone in the hall already judged her if you try to go near her they will consider you as like her." His friend said

"Hey I am not going to ask her to be my girlfriend but for a night. It's not a big deal." Badal said and took a sip of his wine. And waited for the gathering.