A perfect slap

Anna was coming out from washroom when she saw the dessert counter, she couldn't hold herself back and went towards the counter.

Anna was in thought when a man came towards her "Hello miss"

Anna didn't thought much and greet him back.

"My name is Badal Kumar. I am president of iron and steel Industry in city F".

"Hmm" Anna replied nonchalantly. She was fighting in her mind what to eat and to not. She can't have lot because her plate is not big and she should not carry two plates, it won't look good.

Badal thought this was her first time to see this much varieties of food that she can't take her eyes back.

"And you miss?" Badal asked.

"Why do I need to introduce myself?" Anna asked without looking back.

"Because it's a basic manner that if I am introducing myself you should also introduce yourself back." Badal said calmly standing beside dessert counter taking support of pole.

"Did I asked you to introduce? No! So, there's no need of it"

'Soo much arrogance. Let me take you back with me tonight and then you will know what is arrogance' Badal thought.

"Okay, so you are with Mr. Rai?" Badal struck up conversation again.

"Naah" Anna said and walked towards another counter. Badal followed her there too.

"So you are representing his company must be" Badal said again following her beside

"No mister I am here alone and I am here to represent my company. Now can you please leave!" Anna said annoyingly. She was in great mode just few minutes before and now he is messing it up.

"Why are you being rude like this. You are in meet and here people do get interact with each other for connection and networks. What's the big deal to talk." Badal said calmly again.

Anna didn't reply and went on.

"So you are here for your company. What is your company and what it's for? " Badal tried to take her attention.

"It's my family business, I am not involved in business. I am here out of my will right now so don't ask anymore question." Anna said and filled her plate with dessert and to go back as soon as she can.

Badal was now more sure that he will definitely be able to get her tonight. Because he analyse that her family send her here to get some support from other companies for the interest of their company with her body.

"I can help you with your company" Rahul said immediately after his analysis.

"Sorry you say what? " Anna looked at him directly this time.

Badal got stunned by her beauty and the frown she has on her forehead make her look more beautiful. Till now they were not looking at each other but now her sudden turn make him loose his mind. He wants her!

"I can help your company with finance. I know your family sent you here to get some financer or investors. I am way more powerful than you can think of."

"You want to help me? How mister? And why also? Please enlighten me" Anna asked but she already know the answer of her last question but to slap him she needs the reason out of his mouth.

"My connection is way much bigger than you can imagine. Rai, Reddy, Singhania and many more. I have connections in all. I can help you very easily just be with me whole week night and the deal is yours." Badal said and went towards her to hold her shoulder.

Anna took back her step and smiled coldly towards him "Bastard" and turned back to go away from him.

Badal thought he listened something wrong but no, she did called him Bastard and his male ego won't allow Anna to leave him after calling him that and especially when he already planned of having her tonight.

He gripped her wrist vigorously while she was walking away "What did you just call me?"

Due to sudden grip Anna food plate almost fell from her hand. "I said leave my hand Bastard when I am asking you nicely"

Now all people were looking at them. The scene was more huge because Abhijeet's acquaintance was in the scene there. Now everyone already judged her.

"You dare to threaten me bitch. Do you even know what I can do to you right here at this moment. I can sell yo--


And the next thing was a perfect slap on his face. Because the slap was quite too hard his grip on her wrist already automatically loosed and that slap caused him to fell on the ground. The red mark of her fingers were glaring brightly

Everyone was shocked, a girl like her actually slapped one of the top ten ranked industry president like this what she was thinking!!

Badal initially didn't know what happened but the pain on his face get his senses back.

"You slut!!! You dare to hit me. You women are born to be on bed. Today I will show you what a woman should be like." He went towards her to hold her but before he could reach her there was furious punch landed on his face directly and it didn't stop, the person continuously started hitting him violently.

"Abhijeet!!!!" Anna exclaimed.


Abhijeet was sitting with his brother and sister waiting for Anna when he heard noice coming from crowd. Initially he didn't mind but later he started feeling uneasy about the noice. He went straight towards crowd where he saw Anna was standing there and a guy was abusing her and went forward to touch her. Without any second thought he pounced on him. He didn't know what feeling was that but he badly wanted to kill that person right now and then. 'How dare him to touch his Anna!' 'How dare him to even think about his girl' ' Die'


"Brother calm down leave him, security will handle him" Virat tried to hold his hand which was continuously punching that guy. But no use he didn't stop.

"Abhijeet stop please!! Don't dirt your hand" Tanya don't want his brother to become murderer in front of everyone. She wants him to handle this situation out of everyone's sight.

"Brother stop he will die" Virat said anxiously

"Brother please stop.

Anna needs you!!" This time Abhijeet stopped and looked back to see that Anna was flabbergasted and just looking at him.

Anna never liked when her people fight with anyone. Anna hate when she have to look at some one hurting her people. She don't know this feeling but when she saw her family friends in fight she got quite a big fright every time. She don't mind as long as she is the one to fight and get hurt but no one from her family and friends. Anna don't know why she is feeling this way for Abhijeet when they are just acquaintance.

Abhijeet went towards her and cupped her face with his hand "I am sorry, I was not here earlier. Did I scared you?"