Unreasonable Abhijeet

Anna was shocked with his words why are they getting close to each other this fast?

"No need, you won't touch him at all" Anna said after thinking that he might kill him.

Anna then turn towards Badal who's whole world got changed in few minutes and is now on his knees "You know you should be thankful towards Abhijeet because he had already beaten you up, before I could do anything to you." Anna said lowering her head.

Badal looked up and saw how dangerous her eyes look like now.

"Would you like to know what I was going to do with you?" She took out her gun and puts it on his forehead directly. "This was my next move" Anna said smiling dangerously.

Everyone takes a step back from fear to get away from it. Of course no one would have thought that this girl is carrying a gun. Badal face turned pale due to fear. That was least expecting move he would have thought about her. Why she have gun? If he had accidentally touched her at that time what would had happened? He would not have thought this morning that this would happen to him.

Badal clasped his hand together and "Please I am sorry. I will never do this next time. I would never think of doing such profanity to a girl. Please forgive my industry, it has nothing relate to me. Please forgive me this time i won't show my face again to any girl ever again. Please let me go this time, I will compensate you with power, money or anything you want, anything, but just let me go." Badal started pleading in front of gun.

Anna scoffed and said "You know who I am? Even if I had shoot you that time, police would have labelled you as traitor to this state. You know why? Because of power... Because I am Governor of this country you moron." Anna said and kicked him aside while taking her gun back to her waist.

She was about to go back when she again turned with Abhijeet's hand in her hand. Then Anna looked towards audience "These losers, till the time it does not come on their mother and sister, they do not care and do not ever think of coming forward to help anyone. Selfish scoundrels. I wish I could curse them to die but I have morale from my upbringing not like bastard's like them..." Anna said left with Abhijeet.

Everyone was just looking down and looking down. No one said anything to each other due to shame. Shame to be called as bastard, shame to be pointed out with their activities but couldn't reply to her. No words to describe their shame.

They never thought that the one they accused and the one they despised is actually a Governor of their country. They actually do have narrow-mind but still they won't accept. They didn't goosip, they didn't do anything, they just took their departure from there and went to the other meet.


Anna dragged Abhijeet to another corner of hall and they took their seat. Anna asked Mukesh to bring first aid box. She started applying medicines to treat his knuckles which got injured. She looks angry but not more than Abhijeet who is fuming.

When Virat and Tanya came they were not able to decide that who is angry at whom. One side Anna look very angry while applying medicines on his hand. And other side where Abhijeet should have been happy that Anna is caring about him, is actually also angry that right now he doesn't care less about anything. They both were not looking at each other.

Anna completed his treatment and was about to stand up and went away from him, when Abhijeet took her hand pulled her back to sit. Anna did sit but even after that no one said anything.

For Abhijeet it was not that tough but for Anna she badly want to shout at him but she is restraining herself well.



Tanya and Virat gave look to each other. "If they want to fight, they should fight properly. Why the heck my brother is still not leaving her hands. Who fights while holding hands?" Virat said

"You think only brother is holding her back, look carefully, Anna is also holding him. She also don't want to leave him."


Anna was about to say something but from corner of her eyes she saw two silhouette. Anna left Abhijeet's hand abruptly. Abhijeet tried to hold back but he saw her discontent about it in front of his siblings, 'IDIOTS!'.



'What did we do?'

"Why are you angry" Abhijeet asked finally breaking the silence. It was not for himself but for her, he know that Anna must be frustrated after being silent for so long! It's not tough for him because he can easily keep his mouth shut for whole day while enjoying holding her hand like this.

"I dont know" Anna said turning her head away from Abhijeet, but he finally hold her hand back and this time she didn't push it away but didn't hold it like before either.

"You wanna know why i am angry?" Abhijeet asked still holding her hand caressing it and looking at it.

Anna did felt what he is doing with her hand but she didnt took it back. She didn't felt uncomfortable because of him, like she used to get from others. What's happening? Why is he different from others for me?

"Why did you let him abuse you, when you can easily stop him?" Abhijeet hand tighten his hold on Anna.

'That's it'

"I was about to beat him but you came first." Anna said

"I came because you took lots of time to deal with him!" Abhijeet looked up to show her that he is angry.

"Lots of time? He just started saying it and you pounced on him" Anna saw that he was angry this time but she don't get it why it bothers him this much.

"He just started !!? He dared to touch you!!!" Abhijeet said angrily

"And i did slapped him for that."

"Was that enough? He still to dared say those words"

"Yes because I can't stop him when he hasn't even started."

"You should not even let him start"

"You mean, without him saying anything and without him doing anything you want me to take action and beat him?"

"He did his action by touching you and he did say something by abusing you at first"

"Like really Abhijeet I just told you I slapped him for that. And I was going to punish him for his words later."

"But what's the use of it he still did say it and moreover dared to touch you!!"

"Abhijeet I can't hurt him until he do something against me!"

"So you will let him hurt you first then only you will take action against him?"

"Of course not, Abhijeet you are being unreasonable right now.!!"

"Me and unreasonable!??"

"Yes, there was no need for you to get yourself hurt because of my matter. You know that I can fight with him very easily. I didn't need you there."

