Gautam / Gauti

"What you like to do normally, like hobbies or something?" Anna asked

'Walking with you like this but want to hold your hand forever' Abhijeet thought to himself "Staying at home, reading books and walk in my garden. What's your hobby?"

"Really! I hate to stay at home doing nothing. I like to ride bikes and like to fight too, its quite fun." Anna excitedly said while jumping time to time.

Abhijeet shook his head helplessly. Totally different hobby. Like to fight? Only a brave girl like her can have this type of hobby, my girl is really different. How will they be able to stick at home in future. Looks like in future, it will be very hard for him to stay at home ideally.

"So, how's going your blind dates? Find anyone who accepted your conditions?" Anna started walking backwards facing Abhijeet.

Abhijeet look down and saw her hands holding his sleeves for safety and facing him. A small smile crept on his face and took her hand in his and said "I am not finding anyone anymore"

"Hmm? Why so?" She felt his hand holding her's tightly but didn't comment on it. Somehow she wanted that too. 'Strange'

"I got a very good reason and you will know later for sure" Abhijeet said while looking towards their hand and guiding her while walking.

"How many things you need to tell me in future Abhijeet" In reply he just shrug to indicate 'Cant tell' And covered the rest of there way while holding hands.


Both Anna and Abhijeet went inside. While Abhijeet is going upstairs calmly, Anna is running on it and in just a second because of her clumsiness her leg got twisted little bit and was about to fall forward.

Abhijeet came forward to hold her on time before she get hurt, but someone else hand was little bit faster than him. Like that person already knew that she will fall.

Abhijeet was frustrated when he saw how Anna was on someone else arm, he was about to take Anna away from that person arm but the next thing was something he didn't expected to see.

Anna was waiting for the pain to come while closing her eyes but she didn't felt anything, she just felt that she was on someone arms. When Anna looked up to see who saved her, she got super duper excited and jumped on that person like their all time koala.


"Gauti what are you doing here!!?" Anna asked happily hugging his brother.

"What do you think? Because I just felt like i was just here to save you dummy!" Gautam said while holding her properly and slapping her back gently for punishment. Gauti nickname was given to him by his sister Anna. Anna smiled cheekily

Abhijeet felt like someone crushed him from inside, it suffocate him to watch her with someone like this. The fury in his eyes was something he don't want Anna to see, so he turned his back towards Anna. He didnt knew that he liked her this much, that this small intimacy can effect him this much.

Anna stood still hugging Gautam that's why she didnt saw that change but gautam saw that.

'What was that? He is sure there is something miss about this guy. Who is he?'

When Anna stood back on her feet leaving Gautam, Abhijeet also turned around so that things wont look awkward from his side.

When Gautam saw his eyes, he was shocked! He is also a man in love, he know what those eyes indicate. 'That man is jealous! Why those eyes showing this much of possessiveness? That guy is scared of loosing her! Who is he?'

With curiosity Gautam look towards anna with all questions? Is he pursuing her? But when he saw how Anna was just talking nonsense with him and not even looking at Abhijeet, he is sure that Anna doesn't know about his feelings for her.

Gautam helplessly chuckle and pat Anna hair dottingly. Then he hugged her gently and whispered "Anna don't mention me as your brother and dont mention our relation today okay?"

"Huh? Why" Anna looked up without breaking hug.

"Just i dont want you to. Do what i am saying okay?"

"Okay" Anna didnt ask anything just follow him.

Anna looked back at Abhijeet "Abhijeet he is my friend from college ga--"

"Gauti" Gautam interrupted Anna before she could say 'Gautam' because he knew if this man loves Anna then he must have found out all about her, like her brother's name. Anna didn't bother

"Gauti meet Abhijeet, my new new friend"

Both men shook hands with each other. One man look mischievous and another one look furious. That hand shake was very manly and strong.

"Gauti, why don't you join us for dinner?" Anna said while shaking his arm like a spoiled kid.

Abhijeet didn't said anything and just waited for his reply. He know that, Gauti will agree just by one look.

"Why not, anyway i am free!" Gautam said while holding her hand in his and went inside leaving raging man behind.

'It should be his one sided dinner date with his Anna!' Abhijeet thought

Abhijeet & went inside too, without dusturbing the old best friends he took his seat in front of Anna, who was sitting with her best friend.

All three ordered their dish and now having simple tea.

"So, Mr. Abhijeet what line of work are you in?" Gautam was now more serious about situation, because its related to his sister.

"Business" Abhijeet replied while sipping his tea.

Gautam already guessed that this guy is cold by his nature. He know who is he, but he also got to know that Anna doesn't know his real identity yet. And Gautam also doesn't want her to know because of him.

"You know gauti is automobile designer, he is right now in top 10 in Asia." Anna said while having her shake.

There was suddenly a crack on Abhijeet cold face. He suddenly felt like he know him, did they met before? He don't think so.

And Gautam saw that change and panic 'What if he remember him now, if he investigated Anna then he must have seen her all brother's pic and profession too!'

"So how was your day going? I was thinking about spending night with you today, no one is at home, you won't feel scared" Gautam said to Anna to distract Abhijeet and also... with his side eye he was continuously looking at Abhijeet.

Abhijeet didn't show any change of his expression. He is not naive he know that they are close to each other but Abhijeet think, they aren't that close to have that kind of relation. Moreover he trust her.

"Really!!! Wowww great!! We will watch movies and play ludo too" Anna look very excited about tonight. She will call her other brother's too.