I love her

Anna can't describe how she feels right now

Angry definitely, she badly want to sue the restaurant for having this low class cups in their service. Confuse for sure, she is not liking it a bit that Abhijeet got hurt because of his clumsiness but why it is effecting her this much.

"Do you have some kind of problem with your hand? Why are you getting hurt again again?" Anna said annoyingly.

"Sorry" Abhijeet was still looking down their hands together.

"You are not sorry at all. I can hear you unapologetic voice very easily."

"Sorry Anna" This time Anna felt that Abhijeet was really sorry. But this time, sorry sound very strong with emotions. Why?

Because this time he apologised not because he hurt himself but because he is sorry that he tried to control Anna feelings in his mind. He is sorry because he felt that he tried to possess her. He is no one to expect anything from her. No one yet.


After all check up in one hour. Abhijeet finally got to leave that place.

"Is it paining a lot?" Anna said while scrutinizing her eyebrow like she is the one who got hurt.

Abhijeet is feeling better now. This whole one hour Anna didnt leave his side for one's. Now looking at her expression of being hurt for him, he felt much better.

"No, it doesn't hurt actually."

"Liar there was glass pieces in your hand earlier. Thank goodness gauti asked me to bring you here before it get to late."

Abhijeet frowned with annoyance again. Why him again? He doesn't hate him. It's not his fault if Anna is close to him. In her life he just came late so of course everyone is important than him.

Suddenly a ring belled. Anna got a call from gautam.

"Hello sister, how is he? Still in hospital?" Gautam deliberately call her sister so that Anna would reply accordingly.

"He is fine now brother and yes we are still in hospital, but now we are going back."

"Hmm good, let him send you back home."

"Why would he send me back? I'll send him back later"

"Do as i say sister, let him send you back okay?"

"Hello hello helllloooooo, oppssii, cant hear you brother, need to hung up, bieee"

This is what she always do when she cant fight back with her brothers.

Abhijeet find it strange, how did her brother got to know that he got hurt? He remembered clearly Anna called no one till now.

"How did your brother got to know that i am hurt Anna?"

"Huh? Why wouldn't he know that, he saw you"

"Your brother was also there!!?"

"Abhijeet are you alright? Gautam was sitting with us all the time. Did your injured hand, effected your brain too?" Anna said seriously and started showing fingers in front of his eyes "How many are these?"

Abhijeet felt like someone played with him "Don't kid with me Anna! We were sitting with Gauti!"

"Ohh thank goodness you finally remember. Yes we were sitting with gauti and Gauti is a nickname i gave for my brother Gautam..."

Abhijeet felt like someone poured one whole cold ice bucket on him. This whole time his jealousy, his possessiveness and especially the heartbreak he felt was for nothing!!!??? What was all that fuse I created in my head? They were brother sister?!? He was standing like a statue, fully stiff!!

Anna saw how stiff he was and thought he really got effected emotionally and shakes him vigorously.


"Are you alright? I think we should go and have another check up." Anna said pulling his uninjured hand back towards hospital but Abhijeet stopped her.

Earlier because of his unstable emotion, he didnt felt that pain but now when she griped his injured hand, he was back to his senses and felt like he got back his life too. This clarification of relation just gave him his life back, he trust her more than anyone and he finally know one thing very well. 'I love her.'

"Anna can i hug you?" Abhijeet asked, this time without any hesitation.


"It hurts" Abhijeet said because what hurt the most today was his heart but Anna thought his hand hurt a lot and he wanna hold something.


Without waiting for a second he hugged her tightly, he wanted to feel her presence, which he want to cherish his whole life. He can finally feel his heart calm down, this day was his first time when he had so many unstable emotions and felt so many new emotion he never thought of it. Jealousy, possessiveness, heart break, first time he wanted to pacify someone because he angered her, first time he waited for someone's arrival and first time and for forever he felt his love for someone.

Anna didnt move an inch just pat his back gently. This hug actually calm her too.

After a minute "Let me send you back home okay?"

"Huh why did you say that?" Anna said while breaking the hug

Abhijeet felt sad for not having her in his arm "Because i want to send you back please"

"I am not denying it but just now my brother said the same thing 'Let him send you back home'" Anna said last line mimicking her brother.

Suddenly something strike to his mind. "Why you didnt mention your relation with your brother while introducing him, or whole dinner time?" Something was definitely a miss

"My brother asked me not to do"


"I dont know"

"You didnt even mention his actual name"

"That was also my brother doing"

A realization struck to him. Abhijeet finally realised that whatever happen today in restaurant was actually all Gautam doing intentionally. He did all that to make Abhijeet jealous of him but why would he do that? Was he just playing with him or Was he testing him?

'Wait!! Did i pass the test? Maybe that's why her brother asked her to send me back'

'Should i feel bad, that i got played or should i feel happy that her brother maybe accepted me!'

"Okay first let me send you back home" Abhijeet said and took her hand in his and went towards his car which was brought here by his driver.