Kids wants to meet her

Earlier when Rahul picked up their phone they got scared, what if their mom gave them wrong number and when Rahul said that it is a wrong number they thought their mom doesn't wanted them that's why she left us, like others do.

"Hey kids, how are you?" Anna asked. She wanted to hear their voice for a long time. To calm her heart, she spoke to them with great affection.

"Mommy we are fine. We thought you gave us wrong number because you didn't wanted us. Mommy who was that man earlier?" Kavya asked her and answer her all in one go.

Anna already started missing them. She never thought that they would call her. Maybe it was not just a passing affection.

"That man is your uncle. So tell me kids why did you call your mommy. Did something happened?" Anna wanted to be assured first that they are safe.

"Yes mommy everything is all right it just we wanted something from you mommy." Kartik said cautiously

"Say what you want i'll bring it to you" Anna immediately reply.

"We want you to bring our mommy in annual day of our school." Kartik said and waited for the response.

Anna initially felt happy that the kids wanted to meet her too. But second she felt she is doing wrong with kids feeling, if they have lots of affection then it can bring harm to kids too. She can't stay with them for long, no she can't do this anymore. She need to deny.

"Please mommy" Kavya voice came again.


"You wanna meet mommy of course mommy will come. Okay tell me the date and time i'll come one or two hour earlier." Anna said as if she did not understand her previous thoughts.

"It's tomorrow 6 o'clock in evening but please come little bit earlier to spend some time with us momma" Kavya said cutely

"Definitely i'll come earlier. Don't worry your momma will be their" Anna assured them too.

After talking to them little bit more, they hung up.

Anna felt so much happiness blooming inside her. She was playing around by twisting the phone on her hand when a sound came from her beside "May I have my phone back Momma!!??"

Anna felt like a shiver ran down to her spine. She slowly turned her head towards right and saw a scary smile on Rahul face 'Damn'.

"Hehehe sure sure." Anna said hurriedly and stuff his phone in his hand.

"No don't mind my words please. Actually it's an official phone for only office work but you can always have a talk through this with your children or kids" Rahul glared her.


"Explain every single thing in short"

Anna of course knew that she is caught and no turning back so, she started explaining everything, it's not like she didn't wanted to tell him but it just she know she will be scolded.

"What do you think you are doing Anna?" Rahul said frustratedly

"I know I am wrong" Anna started focusing towards her fingers to avoid his eyes.

"That's it? Dumbo you are playing with someone's feelings. Don't you know that? Now maybe you're right but what if their father get married? What if their father got to know about all this? Are you gonna take this responsibility? What if their father ask you to get married because kids have connections with you, are you gonna do that too? "

Anna already thought about it a lot last time but she couldn't bring herself to break kids heart.


"Are you? Because I don't think so" Rahul said angrily.

"What you want me to do then!" Anna said apologetically.

"Don't meet them ever again." Rahul order.

"What!! No we can't do that. That's totally not a solution" Anna held his arm with puppy look.

"Don't try that on me. That's the only solution I have." Rahul said while trying to avoid her eyes

"But we may have another solution in future without breaking their heart. Let's first think calmly about it okay?" Anna try to pacify him first because she needs him.

"I don't know. If you already want to do that then why are you even asking me? Go do whatever you want." Rahul said annoyingly. He is not angry at her but himself that he actually gave her this cruel solution.

"Hey don't be angry. You know how kids feelings are, these kids don't have mother. It will become trauma for them if I leave them like this. I know I am wrong and I am sorry for that but we can have another better solution without leaving them" Anna said keeping her head on his shoulder.

Rahul didn't said a word for a while to calm himself. He know what she did was because she didn't had any other way, and she actually did it in a very right way, he is actually proud of her. But he can't bear if things become problematic for her in future. He cares a lot about her only sister.

"Let's decide about this after meeting them" Rahul kissed her forehead "I am sorry too. I got mad at you. Actually you did a great job, you saved them, you gave them motherly feeling when they needed it the most. You were right with your decision." He took her in his arms while saying this.

"He he he I know I am great" Anna said cheekily.

"You know what, leave, go and sit on your side." Rahul said while pushing her as showoff.

"No I am not! " Anna said and hugged him tightly. And Rahul hugged her back.


Next day

"Rahul can we go now? " Anna said impatiently.

"Anna we decided to go around 4 o'clock. Right now it just 3. Wait." Rahul sat down in front of her seat. While she was sitting on desk

"But I want to meet them right now!" Anna was continuously whining about this topic.

"Wait half and hour at least."

"Hmm okay..." Anna hummed while looking down with a pout.

Rahul smiled and went back to his file
