Darling then i must be dumb

Next day - Governor's office

An uninvited man came but with his authority he doesn't need an invitation. Everyone was looking at him not because of the grand entry but because how stunning his looks are, in just normal formal attire he still looks so admirable.

That person went straight towards Anna's office and without knocking he went inside.

"Hello Miss Anna our Governor." I missed you a lot, I hope I am not disturbing you." He said

Anna looked up to see who invaded her office. That one person is Sahil Kapoor, one of the ministers who is corrupt and she hates it.

"Hello Mr. Kapoor, it's so good to see you here but why is it always like you barging in my office but don't worry I don't mind, I am used to your behaviour" Anna sarcastically smiled.

"Ohh, I think I offended you but my intentions were very pure, I just wanted to give a beautiful surprise to a beautiful woman" Sahil smirked.

"Ohh really. That's strange. I can see that the surprise was for a beautiful woman but I can't see a beautiful surprise, where is it? Did you forget to bring it?" Anna smiles gently.

Sahil wanted to retort but something again stopped him.

"Anyway, can I have privacy with you?" Sahil looked towards Rahul who was sitting there the whole time but didn't say a word. Of course the indication was clear 'Leave'.

Anna said lazily "He will stay" Why would her people leave when he is invading.

"Okay, anyway you will need him later." Sahil continued "I actually needed you to sign these papers for me Anna" He gave her a folder of few papers.

Anna - "My signature? May I have the right to know, what is written on it?"

Sahil - "Of course. These papers are related to the jubilee international airport project. Which will be under you in a few weeks, but actually I want this project under me and you can take any project from me also.

On these papers it's clearly written that you as a governor is requesting me to take this project with various reasons under article 163.

After that no bidding will be held and I will be authorised to give this tender to whoever I want.

Of course you will be benefited too." He said nonchalantly as he is overconfident.

"Wow you came well prepared Sahil this time, must say, the cooperation papers are really balanced don't you think so Rahul?

So Sahil, you want to exchange some responsibility? That's not a big deal but why are you so interested in this project?" They were talking like there's no problem with these things but...

"He is getting bribe with 100 million if the tender will be passed according to his choice which is still unknown but it won't be a big deal, if you want to know Anna" Rahul said without looking towards them

"Not bad Rahul, you are again so knowledgeable about black market too. You know how badly I want to recruit you as my secretary but you don't wanna leave Anna, is she giving you extra sum of money?" Sahil was not affected if his actions will be caught, that's not something big for them.

"No need, I have eye's" Clearly saying that he must be blind if he went towards him.

"Oops, Rahul doesn't say things like that, our minister can get hurt too." A dramatic answer of Anna.

"It's okay I don't mind, I already kind of guessed that if he is in your company then his hatred towards me will be just like your love for me." Sahil grin was all Anna could see. He already knows about this brother sister behaviour.

"Strange isn't. You know how much I love you but you still have this much confidence about this proposal. This means that you have not finished yet. So please continue"

"As like always my smart Anna. I know you wanna know the full deal. I don't want to beat around the bush too.

So, you are struggling right now to get the certificate from The ministry of social justice and empowerment, the head right now is against you fully, he won't let you have that NGO here and he don't have any black background against him so you don't have any other way.

But i can get you those certificate the moment you sign these papers, plus you are getting a better project with full authority from my side too and last but not least you can ask millions too." Sahil crossed his legs with his last line.

Anna chuckled lightly and Rahul raised his eyebrow. "Wow Sahil what a great offer."

"Of course if you are smart enough, you should just sign it" Sahil said while moving those papers forward towards her.

Anna "Darling then I must be dumb. You mistaken me, you think I would have accepted your option because of bribery which I hate the most. How dumb you can be."

Sahil was not offended. He just came here to meet her and try his last luck but he knew somehow that she won't accept

"You know if I won't get it this way I'll get it from another way. If it's not you then it will be someone else. No one can stop this tender to be in my hand. Right now maybe no one will be at loss but later it'll definitely be."

Anna didn't reply to it because she knows that it won't change anything in his mind and she also believes herself that she won't let any corruption happen under her at the very least.

"That's strange, my philosophy is just like yours. Anyway we both don't know the future. You try your best and I'll try my best."

"Yes we don't know the future but I just wanted to warn you. So that you won't get hurt."

"Don't worry, the moment I get hurt from you will be the day I'll consider you as my enemy and my first defeat of my life. Till then..." Anna raised her two fingers as indication of "Peace" Anna smiled.

"I will never consider you as my enemy." Sahil said and stood up "As you just said that we are not enemies yet why don't we go for lunch? "

"I am not hungry" Anna pointed towards her lunch which she already ate.

"Then Chocolate shake or coffee" He knows her desire for pasta pizza and chocolate shake very well.

Anna stood up while slamming her palm on the table dramatically and said

"Okay! Don't force me this much, I'm coming, you don't have to be so dramatic with invitation. I am not that much cold hearted so, let's go, your treat" Anna walked hurriedly towards Sahil before any mishaps happened but...

"You are not having anything like that Anna. You just had one" Rahul stopped her.

Sahil got annoyed by his intervention, he was already happy when Anna accepted his invitation and accompanied him but Rahul came "Then we will have coffee, that's not a big deal to have right? "

"Yes, then we will have coffee. That's safe definitely " Anna said cheekily

Rahul didn't stop her but he also knew that she will eat those junk food again.
