Down market girl

Anna was at a food stall when she got a call from Tanya " Hello?"

"Sister where are you?"

"Oh me? I am at a spring roll stall. Why?"

"Sister, did you leave me here for mere food?" Tanya asked as being wronged

"Of course not, that's not the only case. When our business was done you said you would take 5 minutes for touch up but even after 10 minutes you were not done. See even after that you took 10 minutes to realize that I was not there, I was hungry so I went out."

Tanya know she was really careless this time, she shouldn't have left her sister in law alone when she is drunk "Sorry sister i was wrong"

"Of course it's not your fault, it's my stomach fault. No worry i am going towards your brother anyway." Anna said while assuring her.

"Okay sis" Tanya said satisfactorily, as long as she is with her brother.


Anna was on her way to Abhijeet when suddenly a woman bumped into her with her shoulder. The woman was about to fall but Anna held her hand and pulled her back.

Woman was stunned with Anna's quick reaction. This was not into her plan. She wanted to create a scene. To make that happen, the moment Anna pulled her back she fell forward while between those seconds she tore her side sleeve dress too.


Supriya cried out of her fake pain while trying to show how her sleeve also got torn. "Why did you do that? I just bumped into you accidently, why did you push me on ground Miss."

Anna frowned 'What me? Such a strange woman. Atleast find a better dialogue' She scoffed and sat down on the floor like Supriya because everyone crowded over them and she had a plate of food to eat but no table. After her world tour she is too down to earth to even care about her so-called image between people any more.

-------- Because of her loud sound everyone was looking at them. "What happened?"

"Don't know but that strange attire girl pushed the gown girl on ground forcefully"

"Even torn her gown to embarrass her."

"Such a shameless girl"

"Really? Such a bitch." Another women said ---------

Abhijeet swiftly went towards Anna in a hurry. He was not too far away when he heard the commotion. "What happened?"

Before Anna could say anything Supriya took this chance "Abhijeet i don't know why but she pushed me on ground. Now she behaves like a hooligan. Can you please throw her out of this party for me."

---------- Murmuring started again "So, miss Supriya is actually a going to be a Mrs. Rai?"

"Don't you know that she is a top model of our state. Moreover, her dad is also a leading capitalist here and both families are on friendly terms."

"So it's actually true that they both are together like real couples?"

"Of Course it's true, it's not that easy to claim that title. There must be something going on between them." ----------

Abhijeet glanced at her for a sec who was on ground and then his girl. He didn't ask her.

He bent his knees down to Anna who was sitting on the ground while munching her rolls and drinking her shake, ignoring all the murmurings about her. He cleaned her mouth while asking gently "What happened?"

Supriya couldn't believe what she saw. Abhijeet is bending forward for someone this way in public and cleaning someone's dirty mouth while whispering. 'No she can't lose to this down market girl.' "Abhijeet my dress got torn by her. Can you please lend me your coat."

Abhijeet ignored her again and Anna looked up to him smiling "She especially bumped to fall but I held, then she again tried and I let it happen" She was talking while tilting her head from right to left direction.

Abhijeet shook his head. "Good you did great"