Brother is missing

"Why are you still here?" Abhijeet asked annoyingly

"Abhijeet don't forget your mother is still the last one to decide" Supriya retort.

"And you are no one tell me" Abhijeet turned his back from Supriya taking Anna somewhere quiet.

Because of his action Supriya felt very humiliated and shouted "Are you trying to go against your mom because of this bit--- " She was silenced by Abhijeet glare. She gulped down in fear

His eyes went few shades dark, full of malice and desire to teach her lesson right away but stopping himself for his mother "Dare to say a single word against her and i'll throw you out of this hall right at this very moment women"

Anna saw that look too, it was clearly a killing intent look, she looked towards Abhijeet then Supriya

"Woah you have such hostility towards her but still she dares to claim that she is your fiance. Epic!!!" Anna scoffed "Rich people do have another level of guts"

Supriya didn't wanted to create anymore scene but "You are doing this to me because of her? You found another woman"

Anna left Abhijeet embrace while chuckling "Another? He never had a single one except me you bimbo. You don't even know that?"

Abhijeet was stunned at first but beamed by another second. 'Did she just claim him as her indirectly?' His face couldn't stop himself from smiling foolishly. Yeah he is fool in love

"You.... Do you even know whom you are talking to" Supriya have a great urge to strangle her.

Anna frowned "You? Nahh, not interested" She waved her hand in the air gesturing no and went away. Abhijeet didn't waste his time either.

After that commotion Anna and Abhijeet didn't stay there for long and Anna also went back with her securities. That day Supriya tried to follow Anna but in vain...


It's been one month since the 'half year anniversary party'. Abhijeet had lots of dinner with Anna this whole time and Anna had lots of lunches with Kartik and Kavya.

Kids initially asked her to meet them but later Anna herself made her visit in their school often. Sometimes with lunches and sometimes with presents.

What changed in this one month was the closeness between Abhijeet and Anna. Now Anna is very much comfortable with Abhijeet.

What changed this time was the power Supriya held in Rai mansion. After that party Supriya made sure that the matriarch of the Rai family would be in her hold.

She put bad words against the girls from down-market, so that even if Abhijeet brings that Anna in Rai mansion, Matriarch won't accept her at all.

She makes sure that her father 's holdings in Rai enterprises will extend so that the influence of her in his life will be more too.

What brings change is, someone somewhere on earth is having his close eyes on both Abhijeet and Anna.


"So, how's work going Anna"? Abhijeet asked. Right now both are having their lunch. As like last few weeks Abhijeet didn't consider making an excuse to ask her out anymore.

"Almost boring till now." Anna was having her ice cream when she got a call.

"Hello Miss Anna?" A stern voice asked.

Anna cleaned her mouth with a tissue and spoke "Yes. Who am i speaking to?"

Man said "Good afternoon Miss, this is Jatin Gill, the security head of Mr. Dinesh Reddy."

"What happened to my brother?" A call from head security directly means something must have happened to her brother.

"Miss, it's been 2 hours since Mr. Reddy is missing. We checked the CCTV and we got to know that Mr. Reddy went out voluntarily."

Anna makes a face "So?" It's quite normal for her brother to go out and play.

Those times, he goes without his security from the back doors. She knows that's why she manages his security for his brother in her way.

"Mam, the tracker device on Mr. Reddy's car led us to district C but when we got there, no one was there, the car was abandoned, while doors were open but things were still there."

Anna got irked by them, it's already been 2 hour and she was not informed by anyone? "Why didn't you inform me earlier?"

"Mam we thought of taking action first ourselves." Security head understands that what he did by taking authority in their hand without informing her was a very big deal.