My brother is not going to forgive you

In Hospital

Dinesh opened his eyes, 4 hours later, of that rescue event. He was trying to adapt the light when he heard...

"You are Awake?" Anna saw his brother scrutinizing and breathed a sigh of relief.

Dinesh turned to her by a stunned expression. Where is he? Why is everything so white and bright?

The last thing he remembered was.... Yes he was being chased by some car and then it overtook him and made him stop and... 'Shit he was kidnapped!!'

"What happened to me?" He doesn't want to listen that he was kidnapped. He is not frightened but angry and very very angry.

"Nothing special. Just a little high dose of chloroform... Boring." Anna replied while closing the curtains

"What! Those bastards use chloroform on me? Wshh... At Least they could have hit me or do one on one. Loser's degraded me too. Bastards!!" Rahul angrily said

After a few minutes he calmed himself to ask the right question. "Why did that happen?" He would like to know the culprit's name , so that he can bury him 6 feet underground.

Anna meekly opened her mouth "Because of me." Anna saw that rage in his eyes, that her brother is angry not because he was kidnapped but because... his holiday got wasted... And she knows how much he values his holidays.

"You?" 'Hey that's cheating, he can't do anything to her'.

Anna pushes forward the chit in front of the raging beast "Yes. It was for my first and last warning with a chit saying 'Stay away from him Anna'"

"Hey!! That means just to give you that chit they kidnapped me?" Now this didn't lessen his anger but increased it definitely.

Anna wanted to laugh because she never saw her brother to be this helpless, but she also sympathized with him because he could have handled the situation if it was about fighting but it was just chloroform. "Sorry I know you suffered a lot by fainting just for this."

Dinesh knows very well that her sister's level of sympathy is way lower than her teasing. "Who is 'HIM'?"

"How would i know? That loser didn't even mention that, from whom should i stay away." Anna made bewildered face, showing how stupid those are

He narrowed his eyes and he knew his sister very well. "You have no idea who he is?"

"Naah. Should I just stay away from the whole of mankind?" She stood up and act like she was really perplexed about her decision

He snorted "Can you stop joking?"

"And can you please inform me if you are going out for fun without security?" From now on whether he agree or not she is taking his protection in her hand

"And i can't believe i worked my ass off to get this half day leave. And at the end what was all that hard work for? To get kidnapped? I am telling you Anna i don't care if you wanna tell me or not about the identity of that 'HIM' because of whom i got kidnaped but tell that person i am not going to FORGIVE him for this"

Anna shook her head and went out to call someone.

The moment the call connected an agitated sound came on "Hello Anna are you fine?"

Anna was in no mood to reply to him , "Where are you?"

That person got this feeling that she is controlling herself to not say anything wrong to him "Tell me where to come?"

Anna said "Meet me at the same restaurant."

He replied immediately "Will be there in 20 minutes"

"Hmm" Anna ended up calling.


20 minute later

"Anna" Man quickly went towards her.

Anna beckoned him to take a seat. "Sit, I came here to tell you a very important thing." Exaggeratedly make her expression surprised.

"What is it?" He is sure that he did something wrong but he is not getting what he actually did wrong?

"My brother is not going to forgive you" Anna smiled wickedly.
