Condition one billion project and marriage project

"Last time we told you that all the shares related to your Grandma was only distributed to Mr. Jayesh, Mrs. Ananya, Mr. Dinesh and Miss Anna solely. But there was a condition that it can be taken back and distributed among Mr. Singh's family if the condition listed by Mr. Singh would not be completed with the given time period according to him." Assistant lawyer said.

Jayesh and Ananya was the only one present last time when the will was discussing about these conditions. They didn't tell this to their kids because they thought it was unnecessary to give tension to them. They both know that their mother did put this conditions on her will but now they are only concerned about conditions.

"According to him it's necessary for Mr. Dinesh to show his affordability to every one. So, he put the condition with this thought that he needs to come up with a tender which must be with a cost of one billion at least, within a month otherwise Mr. Dinesh and Mr. Jayesh share will be given to the Mr. Singh son's Mr. Jai. This is his first condition."

Everyone was shock.

Anna was flabbergasted too "Why don't you just say, they are looting us Mr. Attorney" It's impossible for them to have that kind of tender just in a month. It's not that it's hard to grab this kind of tender but at least they need 6 month to find out a capable tender for them, then processing over it from plan to execution. They can't just take any risk with this huge amount of money! She continued "One billion project tender in a month! Do they think that we are doremon!!"

Grandfather Mohan show a smirk with a feeling of victory while his son Jai didn't control himself while laughing on them. They know what they did was unreasonable but what matter is result. They will take it back with full victory. They know they won't be able to achieve it by any other way. Just one month and this all be thiers.

Lawyer's felt ashamed too even though giving the loopholes were the previous Reddy's matriarch fault but using it against Jayesh family this way was really a shameful act more over the time period was something was more absurd. But now second condition is still left. Which is disrespectful too.

Jayesh thoughts were nothing more than a disgust for his father he never thought that his father would stoop this low just to get these estates which were never meant to be theirs even.

Ananya didn't loose her compose she don't want her father in law to see them devastated. And Dinesh was already started thinking of a way to counterattack to them. He will never accept defeat especially from this shameless man.

"Sorry Miss Anna but please take your seat back there's another condition for us to tell you." Main lawyer said while trying to collect himself so that he can do his job perfectly.

Anna calmed herself she don't want to kill her so called family right now and took her place back.

"The next condition is relate to Miss Anna but with her personal life. According to Mr. Mohan condition Miss Anna must get married with in a month or her shares and her mother shares will also be given to Mr. Jai singh."

By the end of this conversation Dinesh already had risen from couch, angrily. He badly want to use violence to punish them for even thinking about threating his sister. No one is allowed to threaten his sister, No one!

"Brother don't. They are not worthy!" Anna stopped her brother. Even though she was shocked to know this but she can clearly see her grandfather intention.

This condition was mere a back up plan. They knew that they should not be reliable to only one plan so they decided on this. They are sure that Jayesh and Dinesh won't let her get married in just a month by any cost of their life and things will go according to his plan. He already checked up the details about her relationship status and was taking continuos update on it so that he can do this just accurately after one year of his wife death.

Because it's impossible for any family member to get married in first year duration of matriach death. So the plan would only work after one year and the condition should put out in sudden so that they won't be prepared. Moreover in this one year even he grabbed some power in Reddy empire. This was the perfect time.