
Anna was a little surprised to see her obedience. Patiently looking back to her assistant she said. "Bring her the guards."

The assistant worriedly came forward and said. "Ma'am but we can't leave you. What about your security." These guards are for her protection, governors protection.

Anna sighed and said again. "I can manage. Bring her." 

Mamta heard Anna and his assistant word. Guard for Anna is obviously more important than her but Anna still gave her, her guards. Which was quite shocking o her.

"Okay ma'am. You five go at front." Right after that, the guards standing behind Anna came forward and stood behind Mamta instead.

The moment Mamta saw them her brows scrunched. "What are they wearing? I don't like their dress coat." 

Anna looked at the guards before confusedly replying. "They are working under government officials. These are their uniform."