Anna lied

When Anna heard those compliments she felt sad, sad for the kids. Thinking how they live their life before her was something hurts her. She doesn't know if she brought the change in them or what but she knows the reason, and that was nothing but they just needed a mother. And she took that role.

"I didn't do anything." She said resignedly.

"No my daughter you did. You brought a light to our family. My grandkids, my son, everyone changed for the best. Thank you." Sunil said again.

"Dad, stop saying that. They are my family too." Anna pouted as she replied. "It makes me feel as if i am not their or your family."

"Of course you are. And now, the most precious one." Sunil said with a doting smile.

Anna smiled and said to everyone. "You guys also go to sleep, it's already late."

Everyone nodded and one by one left the room.

"I am not coming today." Abhijeet informed her. Today he planned to be with kids.