And the second was that he wanted to get close to Anna. He already decided to talk to Anna and tell her that he would pick her everyday from now onwards. After knowing her strong bond with Abhijeet, he decided to go all out to get Anna as his. He doesn't want to lose her at all. He might have lost the chance once but not again. But now when he saw Abhijeet again beside Anna, he was enraged.
Closing his door, Sahil came forward to Anna.
As Abheejit's car was on the main road, their placement doesn't show the manor they own. Because of this Sahil wasn't able to see that Anna was actually coming out of the other mansion instead of her home.
When Abhijeet saw Sahil, his brows strongly frowned. He very well remembers that face. He instantly wanted to hold Anna's hand, but Anna immediately slapped his hand away. Abhijeet's face scrunched more.
"Hi. You are ready to go?" Sahil asked.