Abhijeet, Anna's husband

Abhijeet frowned a little. Extending his hand he tried to take Anna back to his arms but Anna swiftly avoided his hands. 

"Anna." Abhijeet called her with little rigidity. 

Anna still wanted to ignore both Rahul and Abhijeet, but the sharpness Abhijeet's voice showed made her change her mind. But being stubborn Anna still didn't go back to him, lifting her hand towards, she obediently waited for him to take her hand.

Abhijeet looked at her back with little helplessness. He was a little strict to her purposely. He knew that his wife must be angry by now but he didn't want to be lenient in this kind of thing either. But in front of Anna's stubbornness he always has to heed his head down to her request.

Coming forward to her, he took her hand in his. Not noticing what he did, Abhijeet nonchalantly stood beside Anna.

But ministers in front of them went silent in an instant. Their mind blew off the moment they saw Anna's husband.

"How.... How..."