Anonymous Messenger

Li Honglie slams the table, "I don't want it. I'm doing this on my own, I don't need your help."

"Stubborn and independent as always." I shook it off, "Alright, you can do everything by yourself. However, don't get involved in my actions. Deal?"

The record was originally from the two suspects who locked Li Feifei in the school's shack. I thought it would be useful but it seems like this audio is going to serve no purpose to Li Honglie... Maybe I could earn a few extra bucks?

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Long Jinglou was scrolling through Li Feifei's phone to check for any suspicious messages from Li Honglie while Li Feifei was talking with Huang Xiaoyue in the school garden, he was not far from them.

A notification falls from the top of the screen, an unknown number who sent a message.

- Unknown number: Didn't know the famous young master Long would check through the crush's phone

Long Jinglou paused, cautiously searched for anyone suspicious. However, there was no one close to them in this early Tuesday morning.

- Unknown number: Can't find me from your point of view

- Unknown number: I have a proposal, interested?

- Long Jinglou: Who are you?

- Unknown number: Call me... 'Y,' same pronunciation as the English word for asking for a reason

- Long Jinglou: Don't hit around the bush!

- Unknown number: Woah! Relax!

- Unknown number: And you don't want to have a business-related conversation on her mobile phone, you don't want anything dangerous to happen to her, am I correct?

The tone of these messages was jester-like, Long Jinglou felt like he was being toyed with. He blocked the number on Li Feifei's phone, wish to ignore this ignorant bastard. Soon, his phone buzzed in his pocket, it was a voice recording from the same number that was on Li Feifei's phone showed up on his. Long Jinglou soon realize the unknown messenger was specifically targeting him, not Li Feifei, who he's trying to protect.

Long Jinglou turned his phone to the lowest volume while putting the phone near his ear. To others, it seems like he's arguing over a phone call, but he was listening to the same voice recording from Xie Feihao's USB. After listening to the video, he heads back and rapidly presses the letters on the screen.

Before he finishes, another message arrives on his phone with the same number.

- Unknown Number: "How was it?"

Long Jinglou deletes the message he just wrote.

- Long Jinglou: How do I know it's not fake?

He knows Li Feifei didn't arrive home until early evening, and he hasn't seen her around the school in the afternoon on Monday. This audio recording could be real. However, the sender could've to hire two random people just to follow a script.

- Unknown number: Believe what you want, but tell me when you're interested

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"The one place he doesn't look." I mumbled to myself, holding a phone with a pair of binoculars while standing on the school's rooftop.

[Oh well, it doesn't matter if he believes it or not, he's now suspicious of her anyways.]

I wasn't afraid of Long Jinglou finding me, after all, this is a temporary phone and card I bought from a small market with cash. Today will be the only day I'll use it, then I'll send the messages from the internet cafe: just go to different cafes in the city and use different computers, who's going to stop me? After all, he knows I'm in his school, but he's not going to have the time to check through all of the six thousand students that are in this school. When Long Jinglou does find me, the drama I want to watch is going to be over anyway.

But... I can't use the same excuse, such as looking for entertainment, to help him, right?

"Mid-term scores have come out." Liu Xue, the classroom teacher, stated.

"Why didn't the scores being published?" A student raised their hand.

Four times a year, the entire school would give out exams to see how much every student improves, and every test sheet is dependent on the school year. There are five subjects: literature, science, history and philosophy, and math.

It looks like the announcement this time was about the sheet of paper I found in Li Feifei's table.

Liu Xue took a sigh, "One of the answer keys was missing, the authorities believe it was a student who took the answer sheet." she explains, "It was found in a student's table; Li Feifei, please follow me to the office."

"Wh-what?" Li Feifei was shocked, immediately glanced towards my direction, and turned her head back to the front of the classroom.

Students in the classroom start mumbling, "No way!" "Did she stole it?"

I snickered about the fact that everyone's jumping to conclusions.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Liu!" Huang Xiaoyue stool up while raising her hand, "I believe Li Feifei would never do that! Li Feifei received one of the best scores on the first test, why does she need to cheat on the second?"

Some students nod, agreeing with her, while Long Jinglou flashed red. [Is he going to like this free present?]

"I believe someone framed her!" Huang Xiaoyue made her statement, looking towards

"Oh please Huang Xiaoyue, I won't put my family name on the line to do something dirty as that!" Li Honglie broke in.

Huang Xiaoyue jumped, she didn't expect this sudden change of event. She clinches her fist and continued her act, "Li Honglie, I didn't blame you. I think Xie Feihao did it, because of their relationship."

"That explains why Li Feifei looked towards Xie Feihao when she was called out." "It makes a lot more sense now!" "I can't believe he would do something so shameless! How low is he!?"

"Xie Feihao." Long Jinglou mumbled, "Did you do that?"

Soon, the room was dead quiet, only with the sound of my laughter. Li Honglie immediately realizes what just happened, starts to predict what would happen next.

"What's so funny?" Huang Xiaoyue asked.

I stopped laughing, but still a grin on my face.

Liu Xue took a sigh, "It was founded in Huang Xiaoyue's table."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Y: Did you like my gift?

Followed by a picture of Huang Xiaoyue putting the answer key in Li Feifei's desk

- Y: I took a picture from the security cameras

- Long Jinglou: What do you want in exchange for these pieces of information?

- Y: Y (similar to the Chinese currency symbol)

- Long Jinglou: ?

- Y: You know? Cash?

Long Jinglou took a long pause. How shameless this person is?

- Long Jinglou: So you want to work for me?

- Y: Yes... and no

- Y: I can work for you, but I also can expose your information

- Long Jinglou: Will you expose my information if I didn't agree with this proposal?

- Y: ...

"This guy..." Long Jinglou mumbled to himself while standing on the school rooftops, "He screams suspicion!"

- Y: Hey! It's all about trust

- Long Jinglou: Don't. Stalk. Me.

- Y: Hole on a moment. All my actions towards you are dependent on our relationship

- Long Jinglou: You're just scamming me for money

- Y: As expected as the heir of a famous business company! Genius!

- Y: Anyways, I'm changing the way of how we contact

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Long Jinglou: What?

[Hm... does he not like it? But I can't let him find me, not yet at least.] I thought while walking down away from the rooftops.

- Me (Y): I can't let the famous young master Long find me too quickly! That's wouldn't be fun!

- Long Jinglou: Then how do I contact you?

This message made me smile. Not because he's clinging on to me, it's because of how desperate he is when looking for information.

- Me: You don't

I replied, took out the card from the inside of the phone, and bend it until it cracks in half.