Drinking a Cup of Coffee With 80% Cream

Zhang Yie kept a straight face, but his hand was over his mouth.

There was a long silence between the three of them, it was later interrupted by Xie Feihao, "Goodbye." He left with the dead look in his eyes.

"Wait, are you just going to leave us?" Zhang Liu asked with the same old 'how-dare-you-ignore-me' look.

"You guys can be six feet underground for all I care-"

In the next moment, Xie Feihao was doused.

Zhang Yie knows how scary Xie Feihao can be when he's pissed, so Zhang Yie took a step back, avoiding him.

A girl seemed only to be a few years older than them, was behind them, dropped the wine glass, and watched it shattered on the tiles, "Oops, my bad!" She tries to act shocked but her eyes smiled.

"Huh?" Xie Feihao touched a part of his soaked hair and licked his finger, "Taste like grape wine."

"How do you know what wine tastes like?" Zhang Liu asked without any sign of surprise on his face, "You're not 18 yet."

"Oh, young brother Feihao!" The girl calls him out and pulls the corner of his sleeve, "You can't stay for the time being in that wine-soaked cloth!" She starts to drag him to a place that's little of cacophony, "Follow me!"

Zhang Yie watched Xie Feihao strolled away with butterflies in his stomach, predicting what bad things are going to happen to that girl.

"What? Are you worried about the girl? The most likely thing that will happen to her is receiving some threats." Zhang Liu laughs and glared at the same time, then walks off.

But Zhang Yie's instinct never lied to him: even if Xie Feihao looks innocent from the outside, he has the guts to stab someone in the hand if anyone lies to him.

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Her voice was sweet enough to receive diabetes: it's like drinking a cup of coffee with 80% of it it's cream, but was still forced to add another 20 bags of sugar; you don't even know it's coffee, it just looks like a cup of cream.

She drags me to a hallway full of doors to reserved rooms, but there was no one in sight. She stopped walking and opened the door, then pushed me inside the room. [Totally not suspicious.]

Wait, isn't this 'that' moment? The moment where a girl was drugged and slept with an unknown man, finally getting kicked out of her family? This situation was common comics, but I can't remember what the name was...

I turn around and try to turn the handle: it was locked from the outside. I was about to flip the light switch when I heard a snore from the deeper part of the room. I explored the room a bit more in the dark and a way to get out: I only found a black suit, it's looser than the one I wore previously.

My only way out was the balcony; I was higher than ten stories off the ground.

My mother in my previous world would always say that I'm not afraid of dying. Well, she's right. So I threw the wine-doused suit to the balcony next door, stood on the bars, and leaped for my life.

I stood up, struggled to put the buttons together on my shirt, pulled the items out of the previous white suit, and stuff it in my pocket, "Feihao is here?" I heard an elderly feminist voice filled with annoyance and worry.

"I saw him go in there even though the room was reserved!" Followed by a mumbled familiar voice.

I heard a door click, and then a high screech. I went outside to check out what was going on.

"But- but he was right here!"

"Did you actually see him go inside?" Zhang Yie asked.

A voice yells in frustration, "Of course I saw young brother Feihao went inside!"

I straighten my collar, "What about me?" A group of people turns their head towards my direction, I could see the face of surprise on that girl's face.

"Xiao Hao, where were you?" An elderly woman walks over and hugged me, "I was worried." She sighs in relief.

This must be Zhen Liyue, "I apologize, Grandmother Zhen, I was busy changing because a clumsy clown spilled wine on me." I gave her a kind smile.

She jumped, as if she noticed something was different, "Xiao YanZi told us that you were in a relationship," Her whole face smiles, "I was worried that you have forgotten about me."

Then I remembered that Xie Feihao never calls out Zhen Liyue this respectfully, he was a dotted grandson.

"Grand-mama," Again, I pretend to be the previous Xie Feihao, "may I spare a few moments with my older cousin? To have a private conversation with her?" I was directly looking at the girl that Xie Feihao's grandmother calls, 'YanZi.'

"Of course!" She sings joyfully, eyeing everyone to leave and go back to the party, "Just don't forget to come and talk to me when you have something that's bothering you."

I use to think that Zhen Liyue takes care of Xie Feihao out of pity, to think that she was genuinely honest about her relationship with her grandson, this has to be the first in 'this' family.

"What do you want?" She asked with a sassy tone.

There were too many people in Xie Feihao's family to remember their faces and names, "Do I know you?" I asked with one of my hands in the pocket, looking for something.

"Of course you know me! I'm Xie Xiaoyan! You can't remember anything because you're worse than Xie Longdou."

"Hey! Are you paying attention?" She starts to lecture me.

This girl was only a few centimeters taller than me, but she acts so much like someone with that 'all-high-and-mighty' behavior to the point that I want to rip her throat out.

"You should look to someone when they speak-"

When I found what I was looking for in my pocket, I press the button of the pocket knife, glare and point at her neck, "If murder is legal, I would stab you, right there."

She looks nervous, "You're too much of a coward to make these types of threats!"

"A threat?" I asked with my head slightly tilted.

"You can't do anything here, there are security cameras every-"

I grabbed her mouth to shut her up then threw her against the wall, then stabs the knife into the wall that left a small scar above her left ear.

"Ah, it looks like I missed." I pull out the knife, her ear starts to bleed.

I stab the wall again, strings of long black hair gently fall on to the geometric carpet: this time it was on her face, "Looks like I missed again, shall we try this again?" I pull out the knife, the yellow wallpaper was left with two heavy marks.

I realize what I was doing and took a step back, she plummets to the ground with an emotionless look on her face: I was thinking about stabbing the hand of a girl who never received a single scratch in her life.

"Oops..." I mumbled to myself, "Looks like I overdid it."