He was something u can stare at without blinking. Oh god, he could be a national crush. Just then Suhani hit her hand so that Jhummi can come out from her imaginary world. Jhummi pinches her hand and realized that Ayan was really here. She knows about him. He is rich and powerful what if he hurt her. Just then Ayan came closer. Jhummi stood up from her chair about to ask something but then he gave his hand and congratulated her for her victory.

Jhummi made a confused face but Ayan told her that his father did his transfer to this college. For Jhummi it was the most shocking news. 

Ayan came closer and whisper in her ear "

"It will be fun" and left the cafe.

Suhani asked Jhummi what did he told her. Suhani teased her, "just see him yaar he is so cute" but Jhummi hit her and said do get melt by his looks. 

"He may look innocent but he is something fierce. It's nothing like that, you are just overthinking, didn't you see how politely he congratulated you" said Suhani.

But Jhummi was lost deep in her thoughts. Suhani pulls her hand took her out for the next lecture. Ayan also went to attend the lecture.

When Jhummi looked into Ayan's eyes he smiled and Jhummi noticed there was a fire in his eyes. She thought that she will stay away from him. After a lecture coach called Jhummi for practice.

After next month there was a national tournament. Jhummi went there and Ayan was also doing practice when his gaze fell on her and he stopped. He gave his hand to her and she ignored him. She told the coach that she is not feeling well today and she left. Ayan was staring at her lIfting figure.

Jhummi and Suhani both were sitting in the library. The Library teacher was continuously scolding them. They both were laughing so hard and running out just then Jhummi's head bumped in something hard. As she looks up the pair of brown eyes met a black one. Their face was just a few inches away from each other. Jhummi was feeling so hot around him.

She lost her balance and about to fall but Ayan holds her at the waist and pulls her closer. Ayan's eight abs are visible to everyone. As his hand touched her waist she felt an electric current in her whole body. She felt butterflies in her stomach and his cologne was making her toxic. She instantly took a step back from him.

She took a deep breath and relaxed. She doesn't know why his presence making her uncomfortable. She feels all the time like someone is staring at her. But she ignored everything and left with Suhani.

When everyone left Jhummi went for practice. She doesn't want to stop after just one victory. So she changed her clothes and called Shrishti for practice. Shrishti told her that she'll come in 10 minutes. Jhummi was waiting for Shrishti in court and she heard a footstep sound and saw Ayan was standing. Jhummi closed her eyes for a second to calm herself.

She decides to leave the court but Ayan grabbed her hand to stop her. She turned her face and looked in his eyes. She again felt fire in his eyes. 

"What the hell do you want", Jhummi asked him,

He simply replied, "

"We can practice together, after all, we are from the same college",

But Jhummi pushed him away and said "no need, She can do practice on her own",

But Ayan calmed his anger, "I didn't do anything wrong with you nor did I told you anything wrong, so why you are being weird like this, We can be friends", he said,

"I am all good without you so better you stay away from me", said Jhummi and she left court.

Ayan felt his veins were coming out from his skin. He was boiling in anger. How could she say no to him.? He was being nice to her but she is showing her so-called attitude to him.

This is the first time when a girl said no to him for just a random friendship. He never shows interest in girls. Any girl can open her legs for him. His ego was hurting so bad and he wants to win her now. Ayan was sitting with his best friend Raghav at the bar.

Ayan order vodka for both of them. Ayan told him everything about Jhummi. And at any cost, Ayan wants to break her attitude now. But Raghav told him to calm his fucking anger. Raghav knows that Jhummi was a simple ambitious girl and she doesn't want to mess with Ayan.