Jhummi's heart was still beating so fast. Jhummi never thinks that it could ever happen not even in her wildest dreams. Jhummi quickly ran towards the restroom.

She saw was her face in the mirror there was a blush in her smile, she touched her lips and smiled again like a fool. She decided that she'll not tell Suhani what happened between her and Ayan. God knows how she'll react, after all, Jhummi was so angry with him, how could she have done things like this.

Jhummi went to the library where Suhani was waiting for her. Jhummi tried hard to hide her shy face but Suhani knows Jhummi so well, she could sense that something was wrong with her. Jhummi was continuously smiling while talking.

Jhummi was feeling like she was on the ninth cloud. But she still wants to make a distance with Ayan. She can't distract herself like this, she said in her mind.

"Should we take the last class", Asked Suhani,

"I am so bored and I was continuously studying for the last two hours ", said Suhani, and made a cute face,

Jhummi knows that she wants to bunk last class so she said

"Okay let's bunk", said Jhummi and Instant happiness appear on Suhani's face as she packed her bag, 

"So where should we go today", Asked Jhummi in a naughty tone,

"Let's go to your favorite place and have some fun", said Jhummi, she smiled and nods in agreement,

"First, we have to buy some things for them", said Suhani, and they both went bakery.

"Please pack one hundred pastries", said Jhummi to the shopkeeper and he smiled. Both girls are permanent here and the owner knows them so well and adore them a lot.

They also purchased balloons and chocolates and went to the orphanage. It is the most peaceful place in the world.

As Suhani parked the car there jhummi jumped out in excitement. As she entered inside Mrs. Mary hugged both girls and all kids jumped in happiness, they become so happy when their favorite people come.

"We both are here to spend a whole day with you guys," said Suhani and the environment was echoing with cheerings of kids.

They played all day together and the day passed so fast. It was 5:30 in the evening when Jhummi's phone ranged, it was Neel's call.

"Hello!! Said Jhummi,

"Where are you?? Asked Neel in a tensed tone.

"I and Suhani are at an orphanage, Is everything okay, Why you are sounding so tensed, Where are you", asked Jhummi in a serious tone.

"Relax my dear sister, I m alright, there is nothing to worry about, just send me the location and I'll be there, I also want to spend some time there", said Neel,

Jhummi smiled hearing her Brother, She sends him an address and told him to bring pizza for the kids and he agreed.

20 minutes later Neel came with a lot of pizzas. It was evening and everyone was hungry too. Neel felt so calm and happy here,

"You know Neel this is her favorite place, whenever she was sad, happy and tired she used to come here and this place has some magic or maybe these precious smiles of kids have magic", said Suhani to Neel and they both were staring Jhummi, she was dancing with like no one was watching her. Neel and Suhani were sitting very close on the bench.

A little eight years old boy came to them and smiled so bright, in his childish tone he said to Neel,

"I want to be handsome like you in the future', As he completed his line Neel took him in a hug, he was so adorable and anyone could fall for that little cute smile.

As Neel set him on his lap he said, "I also want to have a cute girlfriend like you",

As he said that Neel was shocked to hear that and a bright blush becomes on Suhani's face.

She quickly gets up from there and went to Jhummi. Jhummi noticed blushed on her face and her gaze fell on Neel and he was smiling brightly with that cute kid and he was saying something to him but Jhummi couldn't hear that.

Neel was talking childish with that kid and he said, she is not my girlfriend baby, but if u say I'll make her mine soon, Jhummi heard Neel's talks and she jumped in happiness. She is so happy for her brother.

It was 7 in the evening, they have to leave from here now, all kids made a sad face when they were going, but Jhummi promised them that they'll come back soon to meet them all and said goodbye.

Suhani said Jhummi that today was awesome so let's have dinner outside please, this would be from my side and we didn't celebrate your ms. fresher title yet, please we should go and she made an innocent face again. Jhummi nods and just then Suhani asked Neel also,

Neel felt happy but his inner mind said him to say no, so he said you guys enjoy, I'll leave. But Suhani told him,

"Come on Neel it's your sister's victory, you could join us", Neel has no other option so he agreed. Suhani went with jhummi and Neel followed them on the bike.

Jhummi likes pizza a lot so whenever they went outside Jhummi eats pizza. Pizza makes her mood happiest. But Suhani likes french fries and burgers with cold coffee and ice cream. Both girls asked Neel what he would like to have?? But with a mischievous smile, Neel snatched the pizza from Jhummi's plate and fries from Suhani's, he ate food and teased them.

After a happy dinner, Neel and Jhummi dropped Suhani and went home. As they entered home all the happiness vanished from their faces as their mother came running toward them with a crying face. Both Neel and Jhummi becomes so tensed as looking at their mother's condition.

Although their mother never cared about them and always cursed their presence still they love their mother so much and they can't see her in this condition. They never understand why their parents hate them that much but at least they are happy because they have parents.