Jhummi was in pure shock. First, she thought that it was Nihal, but now she has no clue who is he. Suhani snatched the letter from Jhummi's hand, let me read it to baby, Suhani started reading the letter with pure happiness.

As Suhani completed the letter, her eyes were shining and she was feeling so excited. " I am just love in this letter babe, it's just awesome, I think whoever this is person, he likes you so much, he writes one of the most beautiful letters, don't you think that, oh god, he is in love with you, but it's not Nihal, then who it will be"?? Said Suhani, I am so impressed with him, she continued.

"You know Suhani, I was so frustrated when Nihal proposed me, and now this, we don't even know who it is, and I just can't keep this expensive gift with me, what if something happened to this, I just can't afford it, you know what I mean right, said Jhummi with tensed face, and how we will get to know about his identity, we know nothing, she continued.

Ayan was watching everything from distance, her every business matters to him, he saw when that girl forward him that packet, he saw the ring, and he also heard the letter when Suhani was shouting.

"The idea of someone loving her this much was making him insane, his eyes were boiling in pure rage, anyone could see or feel the anger on his face, he is an arrogant boy from the beginning, it's too hard for him to control his anger when he saw the letter in her hand, he just started to lose control his control on himself.

Ayan went to Jhummi, and she quickly gets up from her seat as she saw her, before she could say anything he snatched the letter from her hand and started reading the letter carefully, as he finished reading the letter his anger increased and he tore the letter into tiny pieces, his anger was scaring everyone but not Suhani.

"What the hell you think you are doing Ayan, how dare you to tear this letter??? Asked Suahni in an angry tone, there was no link of yours with this, then why the hell you did this, she continued??

Ayan's anger was scaring Jhummi a lot, but she doesn't know by he is reacting like this, but she didn't show her fear on her face, she was just standing there like a statue and watching him.

No one knows why Ayan is this much angry, Raghav was absent today otherwise he could sense what is wrong with Ayan.

Ayan throws the chocolate box in his anger, and Suhani shouted on him, "are you insane or what Ayan, what the hell is wrong with you, why you are not saying anything to him Jhummi, Suhani continued???

Ayan grabbed Jhummi's hand and pulled her close to him, he holds her chin and did her face up, "who send you this, dare if you replied him or response any of his stupid letters, stay away from him, get my points straight in your mind", he blabbered in anger.

Jhummi struggled and freed herself from his grip, there were tears in her eyes, how could he behave like that with her, in front of everyone, he always hurt her like this, she wanted to slap him again for behaving with her like this, but she controls herself.

"I don't even know who send this Ayan and if I will know, I would never tell you because if none of your business, and I dare you If you again interfere in my business, you get that straight in your mind, said Jhummi in anger but tears were rolling down from her eyes.

"He holds her hand again and wiped her tears, your business is my business, everything which is related to you is directly related to me, get that baby, and he kissed her on the cheek and left.

Tears were rolling down to her cheeks, as Suhani wiped her tears and hugged her, its okay baby, there is no need to cry, I am here with you said Suhani and hugged her more tightly.

Jhummi went to the washroom and washed her face and calmed herself down, she applied little mascara and lip gloss, she was looking pure angel, she never applies any makeup and still, her face glows like sunshine, her beauty attracts everyone but she did not boast on herself.

Ayan called Raghav, although Ayan was trying to be cool in front of Jhummi, his anger was still high, he broke ten glasses of beer as he reached his house, even when Raghav came to his home, he was so surprised to see the mess which Ayan created.

"What happened to you dude, what the hell you made of your house, just look at your surroundings, just tell me what happened, and stop drinking beer like a sot, you fool, said Raghav and snatched the bottle of beer from his hand.

Ayan started telling him everything, and Raghav laughed at him.

"I thought what the hell happened on the earth, but it was so little thing, it was so unexpected Ayan, what's the big deal if someone likes her and send her ring and card, Jhummi is the most pretty girl, I also like her, so it's not that big Ayan, it is normal, why the hell you are acting like possessive Psyco boyfriend when you already told me that you don't like her, or she doesn't matter for you, said Raghav with a mischievous laugh.

Raghav's coolness made Ayan angrier, he snatched the bottle from Raghav's hand and smashed the bottle on the floor. Raghav felt scared by Ayan's action, Raghav was just joking, he as not expecting this reaction from Ayan, now he knows this matter is so serious for him, and now he has to be careful.

" Okay okay I am sorry dude, I was joking, but you are doing overacting, don't you think that but that's okay, I am your friend, I'll help you, no matter what, now tell me what you want to do from me, said Raghav and patted his back.