Jhummi was crying so badly when she went to the Suhani, as Suhani saw Jhummi's condition, her smile vanished instantly, she quickly got up from her seat and took Jhummi out from the hall. Jhummi washed her face and sat in the car and Suhani followed her.

"What happened inside Jhummi, tell me, did something wrong happened, did anyone hurt you, say, said Suhani, and wiped her tears.

Jhummi told everything which happened inside, and tears were rolling down from her pretty eyes.

"It's not your fault baby, that guy was scum, he deserved that punch or you should have kicked him to the groin, why you are crying for that, you are a strong girl of today's generation, how could you cry like that for some bastard people him, by the way, who was the boy who punched him, did you know him, asked Suhani.

"I don't know him, but I think I saw him somewhere, I didn't thank him, I left the place like the earth was on fire, I shouldn't do that, at least I can thank him for saving me", said Jhummi wiping her tears.

"That's okay we could thank him later, if we again met him somewhere, but thank god you are safe and not hurt", said Suhani.

"Ya I am fine, he just holds my hand, nothing else, and I will not cry from now on, I promise", said Jhummi with a cheerful smile.

"That's like my brave girl, said Suhani and kissed her cheek, always remember one thing my darling, if people are being cheap and disgusting, show them hell baby, and never cry for others sin, understand, said Suhani, now do you want to continue the movie now, or we should go somewhere less?? Suhani continued.

"No babe, I don't want to go there back, at least not now, let us go somewhere else please, said Jhummi with pleaded eyes, and Suhani nods.

Now, where should we go, to have fun, asked Suhani, I want to cheer you up babe, so I want that we go somewhere, there we could enjoy and you would be happy?

"Amm, can we go to the temple, and to our favorite place, said Jhummi with so much excitement in her eyes.

"Ya, of course, we could go there, that is my favorite place to, that makes me so happy, the cute faces of that cute kids really cheers me, said Suhani with a happy smile.

Raghav called that boy and asked him about Jhummi, that boy told Raghav everything, and Raghav made a tensed face, Ayan asked him, what happened, she is fine or not, did something bad happened to her, he was so restless to know that.

As Raghav told Ayan everything, Ayan temper got really high, his anger was glimpsing from his face, "how dare that bastard touch her, how dare he said shit about her", said Ayan. Tell your boy to get to know about that guy, I'll not spare him, I'll break his bones, he will never dare to touch another girl, said Ayan and broke the vase.

"That guy left the place instantly, and my boy punched him and broke his nose already", he tried to chase him but he ran, so let this matter go Ayan, said Raghav, and try to calm his anger down.

"Asked your boy, where is she now?? I want to see her now, said Ayan, and drank one shot.

"Okay I am asking him, now could you please behave normal Ayan, your this type of behavior really scares me sometimes, said Raghav.

"Chill bro, you know me, no matter how much I am angry, but ill never hurt you, said Ayan.

"Hey stupid, I know you could never hurt me, I am scared because, in your anger, you would hurt yourself, and I don't want that at any cost, said Raghav.

Ayan is an arrogant boy, but he has a soft heart, he easily got emotional, he just can't control himself, as Raghav said those lines, he felt so emotional, he knows Raghav meant every single word, and Raghav's love is so unconditional for him, he was with him when no was, he supported him in every worst condition of his life, he is the most important part of his life, he hugged him so tight.

"Stop behaving like girls you fool, leave me, said Raghav in naughty tone.

Jhummi and Suhani went to the temple with happy faces.

It is the most peaceful place, it could heal you, and make you calm.

"It's feeling so good here, I think we should come here daily, said Suhani and Jhummi agreed, Ya you are right, from tomorrow we will come every day here, I am also feeling too good, I felt so positive here, this environment is so relaxable for our mind, and it made my day so pretty and these surroundings are making me happy she continued.

"Okay, now can we go to the orphanage, we will not stay there for long, but we will give them chocolates and cake, and we will meet them, then we'll leave from there, is that okay ??? Asked Jhummi with hopeful eyes, and Suhani agreed.

They went to their favorite bakery and packed the chocolates and cakes for the kids, that kids aren't the most important part of both girls' life, especially for Jhummi, she used to go there from so many years, now they miss her too.

As both girls went inside, as usual, the faces of kids started glowing like a Christmas tree, the kids adore them a lot, and of course, for both girls, this place is like their second home, thy feel so relaxed and so comfortable here, the kids love them so much.

That boy told Ayan Jhummi's location, Ayan followed the location and saw Suhani's car, he knows they are inside, actually, this place belongs to Ayan's father's friend, and Ayan's father used to do charity here every month, so he knows this place so well.

Ayan secretly went inside and hides himself, When he saw Jhummi, he felt his heart was beating so fast, she was smiling like a star, and as he saw her smile, his heart was melting like chocolate, the kids were kissing her one by her, and she was kissing them back, their smiles were so attractive, Ayan also wants to badly to go there and kiss her beautiful smile.