Jhummi and Suhani entered into the college, and greeted with the teachers, probably every teacher knows them in college now.

"There are ten minutes left in our first lecture, I want to issue a book from the library, can we go there"??

Asked Suhani and Jhummi nods in agreement,

"Ya I will also issue some books, said Jhummi. She feels like every time someone is staring her, but when she turns her head, she sees no one, when she went to the library, she saw the same guy behind her, who saved her at the hall, but in a blink, that guy disappeared somewhere, Jhummi tried to search him, but he was nowhere to see. Jhummi thought it was her illusion so she dismissed the thought, she went to Suhani and issued the books and they both went to the classroom.

Suhani and Jhummi entered in the classroom, Jhummi roamed her gaze in the classroom for finding Ayan but he was not present yet, "she felt like its been long when she saw him last time, am I missing him? she was thinking in her mind, as she saw at doors direction, Ayan entered with Raghav, he was talking to him and he completely ignored Jhummi, Jhummi's face shined like a star as she saw him, a cute smile appeared on her face, but the smile vanished from her face as he ignored her. She felt so bad and sad. Why the hell he did this intentionally.

She decides that she will ignore him too, she started talking to Suhani.

As Ayan was busy in talking with Raghav, Abhimanyu entered in the classroom, he waved his hand in Jhummi's direction and Jhummi waved back, "come, the seat beside me is empty, you can sit here", said Jhummi as her left-hand side seat was empty. Ayan noticed the behavior of her and the smile on Abhimanyu's face when Jhummi offered her seat, god knows why he is getting angry again, Raghav observed his best friend, his temper was so high, but all he can do is nothing.

Abhimanyu sat beside her, the smile never left his face, he was talking to her like he knows her from years, Suhani was just using her phone, she didn't understand why Jhummi told him to sit here when she don't like him that much, she knows Abhimanyu behaves so weird mostly.

Ayan doesn't like the way Jhummi was talking to him, he told her not to interact with him, still, she is testing his nerves, her stubborn behavior makes him angrier, he just doesn't know how to make her understand that he is not a decent guy, only a few people know about his reality and Ayan is one of them, he told Jhummi hundred of times to stay away from him but no, she is offering him seat near her, his blood started boiling as he thought them together, only he knows how difficult is to control his anger, he just doesn't want to scare Jhummi or hurt her by his anger.

Jhummi doesn't feel comfortable around Aabhimanyu, she just offered to seat him because Ayan ignored her and he already told her not to stay near him, so she was just trying to provoke him, but Abhimanyu was behaving so strange, it's like he was flirting so much, Suhani was so surprised to hear him like that before this Suhani considers Abhimanyu the most sincere person, but now she just feels opposite, in fact, Jhummi was regretting to offer him a seat, but she just ca not say anything to him because she invites him here.

Abhimanyu was on the ninth cloud as he thought Jhummi offered him a seat, is it because he knows Jhummi from so long, she never show interest in boys, its the first time when she offered someone seat, and that was him, he felt so lucky, a girl like Jhummi is not less than an angel from heaven. He lost in his own imaginary world with her.

The teacher was attending the class but Jhummi was lost in her world as per Abhimanyu was lost in Jhummi's world an Ayan was boiling in anger.

The vice-principal came in the middle of the lecture for an important announcement, " we guys have three months for the exam now or it could be four-months so we are thinking something for you, the college is organizing a trip to Zurich, Switzerland. And sports students are compulsory to go there, as there will be a little seminar related to sports and our college are invited purposely so be ready students, for have fun and every student could take one friend or family member with them for the trip but you have to pay for them and you will be notified with more details", said the vice -principal and left the classroom.

The whole classroom was echoing with cheering and shouting of students.

"Oh my God Jhummi, college trip to Zurich, it's like my wildest dream is gonna come true, just imagine baby, it would be awesome, we will be there and so much fun, I am hell excited for this, when they will tell us more information and dates, I just can't express my happiness with my words, let's go out and dance, I am so happy, said Suhani and hugged Jhummi.

"But I don't want to go there Suhani, and I am not happy, how could they force sports person, I mean why they did compulsory for us, I just have any rights to decline this", said Jhummi with a sad face.

"But why Jhummi, Zurich is one of your favorite destinations, and of course I will be with you, it will be hell fun trust me, just tell me the reason why you are saying no, please don't break my heart, I was eagerly waiting for our first college trip, and now when this is happening in real, you are saying no to me, why Jhummi", asked Suhani??

"Suhani, I just don't want to lie to you, but you know I can't afford the fees for this trip, and this is not a cheap, local trip so I could afford or take money from you, its the Zurich trip and I am very sure it would be so expensive, and if I want to go there, I just have to expand all my savings, and I not sure my savings would be enough", said Jhummi and looked down.

"Hey, you are my best friend Jhummi, I can pay for you, please just don't say no to me", said Suhani.

"Don't be sad babe, you are more than a sister for me, but I can't take advantage of our relationship, I just can't take this much money from you, it would never happen I am sorry, but don't worry I will arrange something soon, as this trip is compulsory for me", said Jhummi and smiled.

"But promise me Jhummi, if you couldn't afford you will take my help please", said Suhani, and Jhummi nods her head.