"Why the hell you are staring me like this, and who told you that I am coming to the trip, I am not coming to that trip", said Jhummi maintaining distance from him, "aww, you just don't need to lie to me, I already know that you are coming", said Ayan with a brilliant smile, "how the hell he knows everything about me, oh gosh who told him", Jhummi was thinking, but then, "why the hell I should tell you, who are you to me, huh, said Jhummi "and why do you care if I am coming or not, I guess it's none of your business", she continued.

"Anger doesn't suit you, you are looking like a cute angry bird with a red nose", said Ayan and teased her, Jhummi signed a breath in frustration, but Ayan was still smiling, he likes to tease her a lot, he went to close her and kissed her cheek, she was really looking adorable, as he kissed her, "you just can't do this Ayan, you have no rights to do that, you are just not allowed to touch me", said Jhummi with lowered gaze,

"But why Jhummi, my heart says that you like my presence and your eyes say that you like my touch, only your stupid mouth says that I can't touch you, isn't really unfair", said Ayan and Jhummi looked in his eyes, "you are just wasting your time and mine and I know that at the and I will be hurt because you don't care, so it would be better if you stop chasing me", said Jhummi and about to walk out from there but Ayan hold her hand, "I could never stop chasing you, snd you could never escape from me", said Ayan but Jhummi pulled her hand and walk out from his side.

Ayan wanted to stop her but he was just staring her back, Jhummi was walking out from the library but she stops in the middle as she saw Suhani was standing there quietly and watching everything, she was standing in a different position in the left side, as she was trying to hide, Suhani was looking confused because there was only Ayan, she was finding Jhummi, but she didn't realize that Jhummi was standing behind her, but suddenly she felt someone's presence behind her back, as she turned her head Jhummi was standing there and watching her with her both hands were on her waist and a questionable look on her face.

Suhani put her both hand on her mouth in surprise, as she was not expecting her here, "will you please explain it Suhani, I am waiting for you since morning, you didn't answer my calls and now when you should have come to meet me, you were hiding here", said Jhummi in sad, angry tone.

"I am so sorry Jhummi, I just didn't get the chance, I was really stuck in my family, I will tell you the whole story, come with me, let's sit", said Suhani and pull her hand to her seat, Jhummi left her all stuff there so Ayan was watching her notebooks, but as he turned his head he saw Jhummi was coming back with Suhani so he instantly left that place because Ayan doesn't want to face Suhani so he is disappeared from there.

"Now tell me what happened, you know without you I was not feeling good, how many times I called you, but you didn't answer, not even once, why did you do that, you know right I was so tensed", said Jhummi without even breath.

"Relax, give me a chance to explain, actually my parents got mad, they were finding a guy for me from last few days without informing me, and today in the early morning that guy came to my house to see me along with his parents, and I got a fight with my parents, for my parents' happiness I just agree to meet that guy, but that guy was unbelievable, you know he was cheap more than sandals when I met him personally, he asked me about my virginity and what he said was more shocking,

"I only prefer virgin girls, I hope you didn't cross your limits", said that guy to me, what the hell that guy was thinking about me, I didn't care but his words made me angrier, so I dragged him out of my room and in front of his parents I throw my sandal on him and my parents asked me to apologize to him and his family but I didn't do that and I instantly came here to you, my parents were shouting on me, I just couldn't bear it, they didn't how cheap was that, and I don't want to tell them this", said Suhani with a sad tone.

"Oh god, I am so sorry Suhani, I didn't have any idea, that you were in that type of situation, I wish that guy teach a solid lesson, are you okay, I mean of course you are my brave girl, I hope you sandal will teach him something good, he would surely learn to respect every girl, no matter she is virgin or not, "but by the way, why your parents all sudden decided to meet that guy", asked Jhummi.

"Actually, he was dad's friend and he offers him to change their friendship into a relationship, so my dad was just trying to fix everything, and after two years they would fix marriage but unfortunately their master plan miserably failed huh", said Suhani with a smirk on her face.

"Let's ignore all this bullshit, I saw again you and Ayan, uff you guys were so close, and that kiss, I am so sorry I shouldn't see that, but what can I do, I didn't know he was here, so I had to see that cute romance of yours, I must say it was damn cute", said Suhani and teased her.

"I also didn't know that he will come here like this, and for god sake I never expect him to kiss me every time he meets me, it's so hard to move my body when he touches me, my heart beats so fast, and even my nose recognizes his cologne, I just have to stop him before he could control all over me", I just don't want to get hurt at last.