Ayan was still standing at his place and watching her without even blinking, "come fast or we will be late, the weather is also not good today, anytime it could be raining", said Jhummi and trying to wear her seatbelt, "this girl really makes me confuse, she is really out of my mind", Ayan was thinking about her, Jhummi was feeling so different, it was the first time when she is sitting in a strangers car, although she didn't consider Ayan as a stranger, her heart beats for him but still she could feel butterflies in her stomach because he was near her.

Skipping his thoughts he got in the car and wore his seat belt, he saw that Jhummi was still struggling with her seatbelt, he opens his seat belt and bends a little in her direction, Jhummi becomes rigid by his sudden action, he came closer and holds her hand and put it back on her lap and made her wear her seat belt, she was just staring him, he was so close, his cologne made her toxic, she thought he will kiss her, but he gets back to his seat after he has done his work, Jhummi felt so embarrassed about her own thoughts, she doesn't want to see in his direction, sometimes he could read her like an open book, so she opened the window and started watching outside.

Ayan wanted to talk to her, he doesn't like when she ignores him, "Hey you are not alone here", he started to talk to her but she didn't reply him, "how was your yesterday's shopping", he asked again, this time Jhummi turned her head in his direction", how did you know that", said Jhummi with narrow eyes, "I just know it," said Ayan in a casual tone as he saw Jhummi is being curious so he started behaving cool, Ayan's cool behavior makes Jhummi really annoying, but Ayan really likes her angry face, he enjoys when her nose becomes red due to anger, "are you stalking me everywhere", asked Jhummi and Ayan nods, "of course I am", said Ayan again in a very calm tone, Jhummi thought he Was Joking but he is damn serious, "stop staring me like that okay or I will be out from the car", said Jhummi in an angry tone, although she was not planning to be out from the car, she just likes to threaten him on small things.

By Ayan's driving skills they could reach to the college in the next fifteen minutes but Ayan choose the long way to the college, "hey why you took this way, it's a too long way, we will too late for and obviously we would miss our first lecture", said Jhummi and huffed in anger, "my angry lady, I took this way because the way you use daily is locked today, I saw when I came in the morning, there was an accident happen in the morning, so no one is allowed to go there, that is why I took this way", said Ayan in a calm tone,

"I know you are lying to me, you took this way intentionally so that I could be late, you don't do study in the college but for me, every lecture is very important," said Jhummi and looked outside again, the weather was really beautiful, the cold wind was hitting Jhummi's face and her hair was swaying in the air, she was looking extremely beautiful, though Ayan as he was staring her, and in next five minutes it started raining, raindrops were falling on her face she was enjoying the weather.

Suhani was not expecting Neel, she didn't have any idea that he will come to pick her, although she becomes so happy inside she didn't show it on her face, Suhani wears a red crop top with a black pencil skirt and black sandals, she is looking like a model, to be honest, she was so happy that she forgets to call Jhummi to ask her where she was, Neel opened the door for her and she sits inside, she was lost in Neel's world.

"The weather is damn beautiful, and the queen of beauty is coming with me, I think it's a god's signal, don't you think that", said Neel in a very romantic yet cute tone, "you are looking extremely beautiful Suhani, it will be so hard now to concentrate on the driving, he continued, his words made her blush instantly, Neel's face was shining in a different way, his heart was jumping in happiness as a kid jumps when he gets a balloon or a candy, Neel's face was exactly looking like that

Suhani's point of view:-

I was not expecting him to my house, he was standing outside and waiting for me, he was looking a hell handsome, when I saw him from my window, the girl who was crossing the street was staring him with lustful eyes, I know that girl very well, she stays in next blog, although she was not a bad girl still I didn't like her gaze on my Neel, one second did I just said him, mine, oh god what is wrong with me, I am not sure that he is serious about me or not, what if he is just doing time pass, no no, I know him from so long, he is not that type, still, I should wait for some time, I am just not ready for a heartbreak now, no no, he will never break my heart, I think I should leave everything on destiny, I dismissed my all thoughts and went to him. My legs were trembling, I was not scared but his presence was making me shaking, he was looking so cute when he sees in my direction, his compliment really made me blush, he called me beautiful for the first time, and of course it was my first ride with him alone in the car, my heart was beating so fast like a drum or DJ, I was so excited, happy and nervous at the same time.

As Neel crossed the street of Suhani's house, it started raining outside.