"Why you are staring me like this", he asked me with narrow eyes, and I started blushing, 

"You dirty mind, dreaming about me huh", he said and I stare him, 

"Not at all, I was not thinking anything dirty, trust me", I said defending myself, I do not think like that, how could he think about me like that, 

"Huh, I know you, you were thinking about me", he said smirking at me, 

"Yes, I was thinking about you, but not dirty, just cute", I said and smiled, 

"Aww, how sweet", he said and I hide my face in my palms, 

And just then my phone started ringing, and I guess I know who is calling, it was Neel, I somehow get scared, 

"Jhummi, where are you, did you went back at your tent", Neel asked me, and I was thinking what to say, 

"No, Neel, I am still there, where are you", I asked him, and he took a deep breath, 

"I am near the food area", he said, and waited for my reply,