"Now I am feeling so damn hungry", said Suhani,

"I am too, so hungry, I am feeling like I did not eat my dinner properly", I said, and Suhani stared me,

"Why did you get proper time to eat", asked Suhani in a teasing tone, making me blush, 

We reached the dining area, and Neel was already sitting with Ayan with breakfast, I passed a smile to him and I was facing Neel's back, so I hold him from his back, 

"Good morning", he said and I replied back, 

"I must say you both are looking so pretty", said Neel and Suhani blushed, and I said a thank you to him, 

We sat down and eat our breakfast, it was so yummy, and it was going well until something happened in the dining hall, 

A girl bumped into Abhimanyu, and the girl said sorry to him and Abhimanyu dismissed her, but she holds his hand, and he raised a brow, then I got to know she was Shrishti,

What the hell she is trying to do", said Suhani, she was also confused,