"Now, better tell me the truth", said Suhani as I started driving, 

"What truth, what are you talking about", I asked in such a surprising tone, 

"Do not you dare to try to innocent in front of me, because I know very well how innocent you are, so you better stop acting", she said in such a warning tone, 

"I seriously do not know what are you saying, can you please explain", I asked again as I trying my best, as you know I was good at acting since childhood, 

"Jhummi, if you did not stop acting, I am gonna punch your face", she said in an angry tone, 

"Now tell me is not the same guy, who gave you ice cream", she said and I felt a kind of shock or something, how the hell she knows, 

"His name is Abhay, by the way", I said and smiled a little, and she stared at me as she will eat me,