"Abhay", I said as my mouth wide open, and as Suhani followed my gaze she also felt shocked, 

"What the hell he is doing here", she said and looked at me, is she thinking that this is linked to me, oh, no, 

"How would I know that I was with you", I said as I shook my shoulders, Abhay smiled so brightly as he saw me, 

I saw the empty seat, and hold Suhani's hand, I smiled before I passed from there, I could feel his gazes on me, but I did not turn my eyes, 

We sat there and in the next two minutes the lecturer came, and our class started, it was too hard to handle, we are taking lectures after so long time, and I am not even feeling like taking classes, but we have too, 

After taking the lecture, I started feeling tired already, 

"I am not feeling like study, I am feeling so tired, and even feeling like headache too", said Suhani, 

"Wow, I am glad that you are feeling the same, how about bunk", I said as I smiled sheepishly,