As Abhay parked his bike, I was still feeling a little nervous, hope everything will go fine, 

"So, let us go", said Suhani and I nodded, Abhay was so quite all sudden as he was just smiling, 

Suhani pressed the doorbell, and we waited for mom to come and open the door, and after just one minute, the door gets open, and mom smiled as she saw us, 

There was a confused look on her face when her gaze fell on Abhay, 

"Mom, this is Abhay", I said and I was about to add something, but Suhani cut me off, 

"And he is my cousin, and friend too, he recently came here, actually he is new here, and I invited her for dinner to my home, but I completely forget that you specially invited me today, so I bring him with me, he likes homemade food so much, I hope you will not mind aunty", said Suhani with her most innocent face,