Chapter 26: Embarrassment of a Lifetime

Unable to find the words to refute, Ayesha just closed her mouth shut and slouched in the backseat. Seeing through the rearview mirror, Mr. George smirked at her reaction.

After more than half an hour of travel, they arrived in the mansion late in the night. Ayesha was exhausted of today's events that all she wanted now is to sleep but Mr. George had other plans. After she alighted from the vehicle, Mr. George told her to follow him. She immediately complied because she wanted to rest and thought that Mr. George will bring her to her room.

Sadly, she was wrong. They went to the dining area and told her to sit down. After seeing her being compliant, he asked the woman in a maid uniform to prepare the food. Hearing the word food, her stomach got excited and growled loudly. Even though Mr. George was far away from her, he was able to hear her complaining stomach.

"Oh! So that's how to tame you" he jokingly said.

"No! I'm just…" she embarrassingly said but her stomach growled again before she could finish her sentence.

Hearing her honest stomach, Mr. George laughed loudly. Because of that, Ayesha became more embarrassed that she decided to cover her face with her bag.

"It's so embarrassing" she whispered wanting to find a hole to hide.

Immediately after their exchange, the food was served. Although she was thoroughly embarrassed, she still chose to eat the food that being served and tried the soup first to prepare her hungry stomach of hard food. It was so aromatic that made her stomach to growl again in complaint. She immediately compressed her stomach using her arm trying to stop it from growling and used her other hand to cover her face.

After that, she sneakily looked at Mr. George's reaction. Seeing him snickering and holding his stomach. She became more embarrassed to the point that even her ears were red. Having enough of this embarrassment, she stood up and wanted to go away. But smell of the delicious food is holding her in place.

She was a little bit shameless due to her hidden "boyish" personality. So, without much resistance, she sat back again and started to gobble her food. 'I'm already embarrassed so there's no need to be ashamed when it's already given to me' she thought while eating her food.

Seeing how she acted, Mr. George shook his head and thought that there are still a lot of things that she needs to learn especially in the area of women's etiquette. He sighed thinking the heavy workload in his shoulders. 'Maybe I shouldn't have teased the Young Master' he pondered.

Too focused in eating fast so that she could hurriedly escape, Mr. George cleared his throat after seeing her clearing up the plate. He then passed a table napkin to her. Seeing her puzzled look, he immediately showed her the mirror that he secretly prepared. Upon sight, Ayesha was horrified on the smeared sauce around her lips.

"Oh god! This is an embarrassment of a lifetime" she thought while wiping her mouth.