annual celebrations (part 3)

everyone was happily chating when the door opened and Huang anh came in, when everyone saw him all of them were shocked they didn't expect Huang anh to come in this ceremony after the incident he caused with Tang Ling, injuring her, but no one said anything but when Zhao Fei saw him she was fuming with anger striding forward towards Huang anh she came in front of him and slapped him as people screamed she once again took his collar and slapped him once again then stepping backwards she gave him a smug look as Tang Liu saw her fiancee once again getting humiliated she stepped forward to give Zhao Fei the same treatment which she gave Huang anh but at that time someone grabbed her hand as she turned she saw Tang Ling giving her a stern look and saying "don't, you might get hurt" but Tang Liu knew she was warning not to hurt Zhao Fei or the consequences will be worse, then going forward Tang Ling snatched Zhao Fei's hand and pulled her out in the balcony, keeping her hands on her hips she asked Zhao Fei "why did you do it?" Zhao Fei instantly fired up " how can you ask me that question that dog, he deserved it" looking at her bestfriend Tang Ling eyes softened up keeping her hands on Feifei's shoulders she calmly and in sisterly voice she said "idiot, he is already suffering there was no need for this today and I know he deserved it, but understand this I have just returned 1 percent of what they did to me so I am not finished yet and it's my battle so let me handle it" after being assured by Tang Ling they both again went inside as the fierce winds were giving them chills, after the the commotion created by Zhao Fei all the guests one by one excused themselves and took the leave after all the goodbyes it was only Tang family and Huang family left as they all were leaving Tang Ling stayed back with Yang Lin, after confirming that all was clear Tang Ling entered into rolls Royce of her husband, sitting beside her he scowled at her then removing his jacket he placed it carefully on her shoulders so it could cover her back and her hands then pulling her in an embrace, they went to their home as Tang Ling was drunk and exhausted because of the ceremony he lifted her into his arms and gently put her in the bed, then changing her clothes he himself climbed in the blanket, embracing Tang Ling they both slept peacefully.

when Tang Ling woke up she saw the other side of the bed empty, not even brushing Tang Ling entered study room but it was empty then she went down as she saw Mo Feng seeing news on the TV she was shocked he never before saw news why today, and when Mo Feng saw her standing frozen on the spot he called her to sit by his side, as she sat she saw it was about her, she becoming VICE PRESIDENT and being totally ruthless to Huang anh, it was all over news. feeling embarassesd she went upstairs to freshen up as she was on a day off she went downstairs in a Mo Feng's t shirt which was so long that it covered almost her thighs, but there was no one in the hall nor in the kitchen so she once again went to study room, and he was sitting talking to somebody on the phone then suddenly he stood up in such anger that his chair fell of with the force, striding quickly towards the chair Tang Ling lifted up, then resting her head on his back she tried to calm him down sensing what she was doing he told secretary Wang to handle the matter till he himself comes, then turning quickly he lifted her up making her sit on the table, then kissed her forcefully and passionately as he conveyed his emotions through the kiss, his kiss made her lips sqollen, which made him lost his control huskily he whispered in her ear "Ling I want you" when she heard him she replied "take me to the bedroom" as soon as he heard this he lifted her and they together went into the bedroom, after their extremely intense session on bed Tang Ling had no energy left in her as she slept exhausted with the activity, Mo Feng left her to go to Mo corporations , securingly putting her in the bed.