The Day when I saw her for the first time

It was in the evening when I was exhausted from the day I spend in the police station. She dosed off and I was getting video call and I was like so so nervous to pick the call I knew it was her. But till this time I was only used to with writing and fantasizing. I had never in my deepest thoughts, think about that one day I'll get a call like in this way. Before picking the call there were so many thoughts running in my mind what should I do whether to pick or not what should I speak how will she react when she'll see me. I'm not smart or good looking. This was happening in the fraction of seconds and I jotted my guts together and took the call, but very unlucky that the first call itself was not commenting properly as my interest was limited to 3g only by the government because of the chaotic situation in the state.

But now I as gained my confidence I dropped my another number on she could call manually. Later on I could call her on the video call, man it was really a special time that the destiny has set for me. I could literally think about nothing but to look her and I was wondering that she is really there near me on my screen. I don't know how did she feel after seeing me of course not as I had felt but this was happening right there.

We talked and shared as I got the flow now, but usually I'm the one who used to comfort the other one but here it's the opposite she was comforting me with her jokes and sarcastic talks.

Till this time we both were comfortable enough and we already started like literally we were chatting continuously and my roomies they got surprised as they have never seen me talking to a stranger recently met and that also for this long time. I was not leaving my phone from my hands was sticked to my screen and fingers jotting words.

She send me a picture where she had a chocolate pastry and I love chocolates she didn't know till the time I told her and after that man the way she teased me sending pictures of the pastry continuously brought water in my mouth. She told me all the things she experienced in her past years whether it's with her relationships or it is with personal life. Till that time had never tried to opened up with my relationships and the private or personal life with anyone not even with my best friend. But with her I had a different connection which made me to share everything I had stocked from so many years which sometime rottens me and the other time it makes me strong to face different tragedies.

She was something that I was missing in my life, a person who could think same like me and can give advice according to my thoughts. Slowly I was feeling that softness in our meeting, which we feel when we see our crush. She wasn't even my crush, we had just met that also on social media and the she is far from my place, we didn't had any connections or mutual before. It was we both direct meeting no lines in between. Which for me was the purest, this is how we should meet our destiny. Nobody in between to interpret anyone of us, just me and her. Like Adam and Eve, nobody was there to get connections our they could have different ways but it was their destiny which brought them together in particular. This is how I used to feel when I meet with my destiny. As she said Magic, truing that there was magic all around.

Apart from all this I had to come back to the reality and think practically with the relationships and all, we were still new and both of us had bad experiences with managing relationships. Though we were following the same faith, she was far and we didn't know each other completely and need to know both of ours inside out more to take this connection further. It was not that I didn't wanted, I definitely wanted this connection to go further and get it's end as it should in my mind. But at the same time I didn't to discomfort her by my touchy, checky or jerky moves. So kept this clean and clear that I won't go for any such moves or topics which would make her far from me . We are fine and very good with the type of friendship we were having and enjoying. This was best that I could do from my side to keep her around me, I know I had already started feeling for her, and it was true only thing was I could not admit it. All in all I was happy and satisfied with what we decided for both of us.