My reflexes had never been good. It surprised me when my eyes flew shut as soon as the person looked at me. If they knew I was conscious they would walk over to me. That would lead to questioning or torture or just being screamed at. Sure, I had no proof any of those things would happen. But I never take chances.
After I closed my eyes I tilted my head back very slowly. Just a tiny bit, so I would still appear unconscious.
After a minute of nothing happening, I worked up the courage to barely open my right eye. I was surprised at what I saw. The person was attaching the harness chains to the hammer. Was he trying to pull it?
I just sat there for a couple of minutes watching the person's actions. They lead the horse forward once its harness was attached to the hammer. The horse walked a few feet, then came to an abrupt stop.
I wish I could have seen the person's face, but it was still covered with that hood. They pulled on the horse's halter, whistled to it, and even slapped its rear end trying to get it to move forward.
Dirt flew from the ground. The horse stomped repeatedly in frustration. Poor thing looked scared as the person yanked and pulled at its halter.
Eventually, the person gave up. They pulled the chains off the hammer and lead the horse away. I hadn't expected that to be over so soon. The person must have had very little determination. It may have seemed like a weird time, but I could help as I laughed inside. I had the strength to do something that neither a person who looked older than me nor a horse could do.
What was with that hammer? It was perfectly reserved after ring buried for who knows how long, and only I could lift it. Well, only I could as of now. I had know way of knowing what would happen next here.
My eye started to twitch. I had held it open in such a weird position for so long that it felt dry. I quickly blinked a few times before closing my eyes entirely.
I began to wonder how much longer I could go pretending to be unconscious. The rouse would have to end eventually. What would happen then? How would the person even confront me? I could just imagine them saying, "Hey, you. Yeah, the idiot who tried to break into my ugly looking shack. I want a word with you." That would never end well.
A noise interrupted my thoughts. It was low and quick, like something was tapping. The noise seemed to get louder each tap.
Oh, how could I not recognize that noise. It was the unmistakable sound of footsteps. And they were coming to me.
That was the day I realized my eyelashes were extremely long. The different world seemed to bring out features I never new I had.