The rain has lightened out. Now it was a light sprinkle. Might as well keep walking. This rain wouldn't hurt anyone. I was starting to get hungry. All my blackberries were gone. Maybe there were some bushes nearby.
For the next few minutes, I circled around the area. No blackberry bushes. However, something did stick out. It looked like a building. Hopefully there wouldn't be any sick murderers around here.
Something blurry was next to the building. Oh my gosh. It was another building. My feet dragged forwards. Soon, I found myself on the edge of a small town. It looked like one of those little old western towns. There were two long rows of buildings.
At the end of the two rows was a hotel. It looked small, but I didn't plan on staying forever. I just wanted information about this world and directions to a bigger community.
Dang it. I had no money. Maybe I could apply for a job. They should hire sixteen year-olds. I approached the hotel and prepared to knock.
Then I froze. I had to look presentable. My fingers ran through my hair and tucked a lock behind my ear. The rest of me looked okay, but I wiped the dirt off my shoes and skirt.
With a deep breath, I stretched out my hand to knock. Wait. You don't knock on a hotel door. You walk in. Man, I was either overreacting or just plain dumb.
I gently opened the door and stepped in. To my right was a counter. An old man stood behind it writing on papers. To my left was a small bar area. A bartender was pushing a drink to one of two men.
I walked over to the old man at the counter and said, "Excuse me? Do you have any available positions?"
"Why would you want a job here, Miss?" He replied.
"I want to earn some extra spending money. Sir."
"I see. How old are you, Miss?"
"Sixteen, Sir."
"I see. My name is Drew Paul. Come sit down, Miss, and we can discuss details."
Yes! This man seemed very nice. A job here should earn me enough money to buy food, water, and a thin jacket.
Someone was looking at me, and it was not Drew. I turned my head to see the two men at the bar were looking at me. Drew game an uncomfortable glance. He almost looked scared.
Then men were walking towards me. I looked back at Drew. He was gone.
"What's wrong with your eyes?"
I looked at the man with the short beard. He seemed to be examining me.
"I was born with them."
The two men looked shocked that I had replied.
"Tell us your name." This time the one with the clean shave spoke.
The man with the beard looked me right in the eyes.
"Five thousand."
The man continued to stare at me.
"What?" I questioned.
"Heck, I'd say ten thousand." The man with the clean shave smiled. I had a bad feeling about this.
Both the man started to walk towards me. The bearded one had a gun. Crud. Without thinking, I took the hammer and chucked it at the bearded man.
"Holy-!" The man jumped out of the way and I watched as the hammer destroyed a decorative vase. Sorry, Drew.
"Feisty," the man with the clean shave smiled. "This should be fun."
I've only been in one bar fight. Well, it was more like a fight in a place with a bar. And I was the one fighting two men.