I felt a wave of cold. Eon continued to speak.
"So, Lumine... Do you think it was acceptable, what you did to the intruder?"
My body felt numb. The image of the man with blood pouring out of his head flashed into my mind. Cold shivers crept up my spine and poked me like needles. I felt like throwing up.
"Come with me," Eon motioned to a large window.
I stood up and walked over to the window. Eon folded his hands behind his back and walked beside me. Outside the window, I could see the staircase. On the bottom of the stairs lay dried blood. Lots of it.
"What I did was not acceptable, Eon."
Eon placed a hand on my shoulder.
"What? Of course it was," he rubbed my shoulder with his thumb.
"But, I killed him. I spilled blood all over your steps."
"Lumine, I have wanted to see that blood spill on the ground since my father died. Besides, you fought back. No other girl I have ever known has done something as courageous as that," Eon sounded like he was proud of me.
"That's what I like about you, Lumine," Eon cooed.
My eyes widened and I felt a sudden rush of warmth. Creepy.
"Let's return to our meal now," Eon said.
The two of us sat down. After eating all of my mashed potatoes and ham, I poked at my last piece of asparagus.
"Lumine, you aren't allergic to anything, right?" Eon questioned.
"I am not. Why do you ask?" My reply made me sound like I was suspicious. I was.
"I just want to make sure you won't have a bad reaction to dessert," Eon replied.
He looked over his shoulder and called, "Julie!"
A young women entered the room holding two small plates with cake on them. Red velvet. Auntie made red velvet cakes many times, but she and Uncle always had much bigger pieces than I did. They said my figure was a bit on edge, so I shouldn't be overeating.
These pieces were well-sized. Not too big, but not too small.
"I hope you like the cake. It's my mother's recipe," Eon said.
I rooked a bite and savored it. Everything really was better here.
As soon as Julie left the room, I asked Eon how his mother had died.
"She passed away from a sickness shortly before my father's death. I felt strange after they were both gone." Eon looked sad. I felt dumb for asking the question.
After we were both done eating, Eon and I walked to the front steps of Diablo Manor. The hammer head and dried blood sat at the bottom.
Eon walked past them both. Confused, I followed him. Was he not taking me here to get the hammer head?
Eon and I walked along the side of Diablo Manor. Flowers surrounded our path. They all looked different, yet seemed to blend in with each other. Some were bright, some were dark. Some were wide, some were skinny.
I wasn't sure where Eon and I were going. We just walked around the mansion a few times. I had no idea what I would say if I wanted to start a conversation.
"So, Lumine. Usually, I have my servants to do the chores around here. This time, though, is an exception. I am assigning you a chore, just this once," Eon looked at me as if he wanted a response.
"What is the chore?" was the best I could think of.
"The hammer head is covered in blood. I would like you to wash it," Eon continued.
For a moment, I felt sick.
"Don't worry, you can wear these." Eon handed me a pair of rubber gloves. I folded them the best I could and held them tight in my left hand.
"Wash it when you feel like you want to, just have it done by morning," Eon said.
I gave a nod of obedience.
"You can explore the manor and the outdoors this afternoon. Just make sure you aren't late for dinner," Eon droned on.
My eyes widened. Again?
"This will be a common occurrence, of course. I do get lonely sometimes." Eon could read my mind.
"And, Lumine," Eon looked directly at me and warned, "I wouldn't try to leave if I were you."
"Why would I leave? It's wonderful here," I said uneasily.
"Oh, Lumine, you need to get this through your head. That gunshot wound will take time to heal, even with expensive medicine applied. Running away wouldn't do it much good. I own you now. You have no freedom, and will remain at this manor until you die."
Eon's hand on my shoulder made me feel just a little bit comfortable. I didn't know if that was good or bad.