My library offered a good view of the manor steps. Lumine sat at the top with her head hung. Although she didn't show it, Lumine still wanted to escape. The feeling was buried deep in her heart.
That feeling must be destroyed. I had the perfect idea of how to do it, too. Lumine would be offered a tempting opportunity. One she couldn't pass up.
I walked to the front of the manor where she sat. Immediately after I opened the doors, her head shot up. Lumine looked at me as if she wanted to say something, but I shushed her.
"Come with me, Lumine," I beckoned her. Lumine promptly followed. Good.
The two of us walked to a wall at the edge of a flower garden.
"You are sad," I accused.
"Yes," Lumine replied.
"I can fix that."
"Climb over this wall. If you succeed, you can go where ever you like. Run away. Regain your freedom."
"I would have no money."
"I will give you fifteen thousand gold coins."
Lumine looked suspicious.
"Is this a trick, Eon?"
"No. If you manage to climb over the wall, you can go wherever you want. You just can't use anything that would be of help, like a ladder."
Lumine's eyes widened.
"Take as long as you like," I gave Lumine a smile.
Lumine backed up and ran at the wall. She jumped and tried to grab the top. I couldn't help but laugh on the inside. There was no way she would ever make it over the wall.
I walked back to the manor leaving Lumine with false hope. A room in the manor provided the perfect view of her attempts. A servant brought me a cup of tea and I sat down by a large window.
Lumine never tried to use any tools to get over the wall. She never lost determination, either.
A half hour passed. Lumine still tried to make it over the wall. She tried running starts and grabbing at the cracks in the wall. Nothing worked.
I was done with my tea so I grabbed a book. The book wasn't nearly as interesting as what was happening outside the manor. Another hour passed. Lumine still tried.
Papers in my study needed organizing. I got up from my seat and headed to my study. After two hours of looking through papers, I was pleased to find Lumine still trying to climb the wall.
Dinner was in a few hours. Hopefully she could still make it. If everything went to plan, she would join me for dinner with a newer, better, attitude.
I instructed the cooks to make pasta with chicken and Alfredo sauce. One of my favorite dishes.
Lumine should appreciate what I do for her. She is fortunate to live here.
It was nearly dinner now. I thought about going to find Lumine, but she was perfectly capable of doing it herself.
Smells from the kitchen made me very hungry. I was tempted to start without Lumine.
Suddenly, the dining room doors opened. Lumine walked in with an empty look on her face. I was impressed to see she had combed her hair, washed up, and changed her dress. It was dark green.
"I hope I'm not late," Lumine said blankly.
"You're not. How are you feeling?" I asked with a smile.
"I'm feeling very well, thank you," Lumine smiled faintly, but she still had an empty look.
"Smile. You looked depressed. I don't like that," I ordered Lumine.
She responded with a warm smile and asked, "What are we having tonight? It smells wonderful."
"Pasta with chicken and Alfredo sauce. One of my personal favorites."
"I hope it arrives soon."
"I do too. By the way, have you cleaned the hammer head yet?" It was a dumb question. I knew Lumine spent hours by the wall, but I was curious to hear her response.
"I have not washed it yet. Although, I plan to wash it before I go to bed. A task like that would surely tire me out. I wouldn't want to stay awake all night."
Interesting. Lumine was surely exaggerating, but she was being polite.
Dinner was very pleasant. We dined and had a lovely conversation. Lumine complimented the food and acted like she was really enjoying her time here.
For desert, we had strawberry cheesecake. Flora was a goddess when it came to making cheesecake. I should give her a raise.
Lumine did not object when I offered to walk her to her room. She stilled smiled and walked with a bit of a spring in her step.
Hmm. There was still hope. Hope that I would set her free. Silly, naive girl.
Out of all my accomplishments, I couldn't help but feel that Lumine's improvement was my best one.